I hate painting but would love to completely do the interior! Can't wait to buy a house but that will not be for a long long while yet!
So WI this morning and I've lost 3lb! Very happy with thatJust recently I've been averaging at 3lb a week so it must be my magic number! I was so close to 12stone 9lb by only 0.2 of a pound!
I still can't believe I'm in the 12's and so close to lhave lost 2stone 7lb! Bring on another week!
Hope you've had a brilliant day![]()
Well done hun. Thats great loss
Enjoy your shopping for mothers day hun.
Thank you so much for the hair advice, Im so excited, I am deffo doing it. I love the look so much.
Massive congratulations on your loss woop woop!!!
Bet you'll drop to 12st 9lb tomorrow too! Lower 12s ahhhhh! Well done Hun amazing xx
I totally agree with you Minnie. I think all conventional diets are the same. Loss is so slow people just give up. With this type of diet you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.![]()
So into week 10 and I weighed again this morning and I'm down to 12stone9lb!! Yay! One measely pound away from my next badge! Yipeee
Today is the night I'm going out for that meal. I'm just undecided what to do about packs. I really don't want to mess up my good run
So I'm having grilled chicken with green leaf salad (no dressing). I just don't know how many packs to have.
Do I have all 3 packs and no carb meal? Approx 800 cals?
Or shall I have 2 packs and a no carb meal? Approx 600 cals?
Suggestions please wonderful people :help2:
I think if you have 2 packs this will help you feel less hungry in the restaurant otherwise you might end up going off plan.
With regards to the vitamins, you will be getting some through the food you are eating so i wouldn't worry too much about that!
Hope you enjoy it though whatever you decide to do![]()
Hi Minnie
If it was me I would have two packs as usual and then the meal. I would also say right at the beginning of the night out "As I am only going to have water and one course I hope nobody will mind that I am going to just pay for my own." Your friends would be pretty churlish not to agree to that.
A few years ago I went out with the staff of one of the schools I worked in and I was the only driver and the only one not drinking. I had tap water while everyone else had a drink before the meal copious amounts of wine during it and brandys etc after. I had one course because I am not a big eater while they all had at least 4 courses. At the end of the meal the person in charged asked for £60 each. I didn't even have that amount of money with me. I put £50 in the kitty and have regretted ever since not speaking up. I never went out with that staff again. Which is why I suggest you say right at the beginning of the evening that you will pay your own. Have a lovely time.
mere x
Whoop!!! Fantastic!!!
Sooooo please for you Hun!
Im probably too late now but I would say 2 packs and the meal. Great choice by the way, You're doing so fab!
Have a lovely nightxx
Glad you had a good night out Minnie and hope it didn't cost you too much! What did you have to drink?
I think after a time on Exante you start to realise food is not the be all and end all of a good night out . Nice to eat something different but the company is more important. Enjoy today and I don't think you will have to worry about the scales.
Mere x
Well done minnie!
You made a great choice and stuck to it!
As for ketosis, the sticks would have told you this morning if you had knocked out.
Have a great sunday xx
Well done Minnie, you did great And you can still eat and be in ketosis, after all that's the basis of Atkins, it's just what you eat, and it sounds like you made the right choices.
Amazing as always Hun!! Jeez, we'll done, awesome choices and restraint. Racing to goal
I so doubt you will have had any gain from that! I wouldn't worry. Did anyone comment on your weightloss? xx