WannabeSkinnyMinnie's Fat to Fab Diary 2013

I loved Edinburgh! It was ridiculously busy during the festival. I would love to go there again when it isn't so busy. We went to the Elephant Cafe which had the hugest queue I'd ever seen- it was asif JK Rowling was still in there writing Harry P! :p xx
I love Edinburgh too and we go there quite often. I went to the tattoo 2 years ago and it was great.
I got the tickets at the last minute for the price printed on them instead of the ridiculous prices the touts charge. Great seats facing down the esplanade. Bought them on eBay from a chap who had bought them for his parents but they couldn't go. I also love the museums and Mary King's Close.
My grandfather came from Edinburgh and I did my Teacher of the Deaf course at Edinburgh University.
I hope you took the city tour bus as it is really worthwhile.
Mere x
We went to the museum :D

No we didn't go on the tour bus but we did sooo much walking felt like I saw lots of Edinburgh. We did the midnight ghost walk which runs underneath some of the bars- quite eerie and we went to the dungeons. Very touristy but was worth a look :p xxx
Day......ooh I don't know about that one but know tomorrow I'll be starting WEEK 10!!

It's so sad how excited I get about WI. I'm so desperate to lose more weight before my weekend in London on the 12th-13th April. I did have a cheeky peek at the scales but won't update until tomorrow incase I can knock a bit more off by then. Its interesting daily weighing though- sometimes I am the same weight for a couple of days- then I can drop 1 1/4lb over night! I am drinking so much water remembering the more I drink the more I'll shrink! Haha! I am feeling hungry tonight though- luckily its WI tomorrow so its keeping me restrained as don't want to jepodise my WI. I may have to go to bed. Just going to have a hot vanilla and cinnamon shake.

Tomorrow I've organised a 'Funny Footwear' day for Comic Relief. Looking forward to seeing everyones funny feet at school and raising money. Rabbit last week, funny feet this week- wondering what I'll be the week after :p

Hope everyone has had a good day :D

Good luck for WI tomorrow. And enjoy your funny feet tomorrow.
Mere x
2 years ago my daughter and I spent hallowe'en in the vaults under the Royal Mile. We were in there from midnight until 7 in the morning. It was really spooky. There were two mediums with us and we saw some strange things!
Mere x
Wow that is a long time! We were in the vaults too under the Royal Mile- couldn't remember what they were called! Apparently one of the Eastenders actors did an episode of Most Haunted there.

The crazy things we put ourselves through :p xx
Came across this meal myth!


I typically used to have small or no breakfast, a medium lunch and big dinner too!

I will definately aim to have a bigger, healthier breakfast in the future followed by a light, healthy lunch and a smaller dinner. I'd never really thought about this before but it does make sense not to have your dinner as the biggest meal of the day! xx
Same here Minnie, I never used to have breakfast and sometimes miss lunch as well then only extra large dinner.we have to change our eating habits. We are learning so much on this diet. Hopefully never ever in this situation again.
I know you have to have a good breakfast to get the metabolism going but I read somewhere that it didn't matter too much about when you ate the other meals or which was the biggest as it was the total number of calories consumed in 24 hours that was important.
There are so many opinions out there it is difficult to know what to do for the best.
Mere x
Morning Hun! Hope you've had a fab WI result! :D

Do you, Mere and Marge all live near? I keep seeing you have all been to the same places and know the names of statues and things Iv never heard of! Or is it huge coincidence you have holiday'd in the same places? xx
You are right ED i was thinking the same. No one from london :( i am the only one.
I'm from South Wales, the only Taff in our village haha xx
I do not know where the other two live but I live in Ayrshire about 30 miles South of Glasgow. Scotland isn't that big a place also just coincidence that we visit the same places.
Mere x
Nooo I'm South East in between Swindon and Reading- a VERY long train journey from Mere :p Only visited Scotland for the fringe festival :)

Just a coincidence! :) Not many southerners on here it seems! xx
Over 2 and a half STONES Lost!!

I'm so chuffed with another 3lb loss- must be my lucky number! I am now 12 stone 7lb! Half way in the12's. Seems to have taken no time at all- its the last 7 to get into the 11's that will drag. But I don't care because I'm happy!! :D

My confidence is coming back and I am feeling like I can actually fit in better socially. Not that anyone noticed that I felt awkward before, but I really do feel like I'm beginning to look more normal. I know I still have a long way to go but it is coming off and I will get the rest off!

I'm also happy to be getting my new badge and hope that it won't be long until I get my 3 stone badge :) 6lb to go for that :D How exciting!

Hope you've all had a good day despite the rain! xxx
That's brilliant. You have lost loads. I can't wait till I'm 12 and a half.

A little shopping tomorrow possibly??????
Well done you!!! Great loss.
I am from ilford jael...