Hey everyone!
Well, just got back from my Grandpa's 85th birthday lunch. I went for trout mousse on granary toast, followed by roast beef

yummy! Skipped dessert (had the starter instead), couldn't have managed it anyway. Felt good to leave the pub feeling comfortably full instead of stuffed, and I had a coffee while the rest of my family ate their puddings.
I couldn't believe all the comments on how "well" I am apparently looking. Even from my mum and dad, who I only saw 2 weeks ago, they say they can see a difference in me. My skin is good at the moment and I guess I have lost 4.5 inches so they must be able to tell! Just seems weird as I have only lost 3lbs since seeing them!!! Madness!
My aunty and uncle, grandpa and step-gran haven't seen me in 9 months, and last time I saw them I was about 13.4 (my scales) and am now 12.6 (my scales) so I guess there's nearly a stone difference between now and then, and I know its not masses but on me a stone makes a BIG difference.
Was nice to be complemented for a change instead of being on the receiving end of thoughtless negative remarks!
Total points from lunch is 11.5

and I had a donut mid-morning for 4 points. So that leaves me with 5.5 for this evening... am going to aquafit later and am just hoping that gives me an appetite as I'm feeling rather stuffed right now and not sure how I would fit all those points in!! Not planning to use my activity points earned tonight, as want the best loss possible tomorrow!

have had a lovely day and made healthy choices at lunch to ensure that I didn't miss out and felt indulged! Didn't even have any wine with my meal - stuck to lime and soda... go me!!!
Just want to re-iterate what seems to be my new motto:
I'd be happy with a 0.5lb loss tomorrow, as I have had 2 meals out, 1 buffet AND a takeaway this week!! STS would be fine too, but ideally a small loss to help keep me motivated would be nice!

wish me luck