We eat lard

and when u buy tinned meat. i love the jelly on it but not the meat! we make a god pair. i will have the jelly and u can have the meat :D
i only buy it at xmas. throw it away most of the time. its just there in case got nowt to offer anyone in a sarnie. better to offer some one a spam sarnie than a jam sarnie :D
my Travis loves jam sarnies. but he eats anything! Abbie on the other hand is the fussiest eater ever. she wont eat any potato products or bread. she lives on pasta based food. killed me at the start of atkins cooking for her and not picking at it. but i dont even want it now :D
Oliver is fussy too. Wont eat cheese, pasta or most meats, will only eat chicken, sausages and bacon but will eat fruit and veg til it comes out of his ears. I just give up. He will go for days and only want a dippy egg with soldiers
at least he is getting fruit and veg. Abbie lives on grapes. she dosnt like chocolate or sweets. i have to bribe her with raisons. she is a weird child!
Best tip i was ever taught before i found atkins was to pour water on the leftovers straight away so your not tempted to pick at them
at least he is getting fruit and veg. Abbie lives on grapes. she dosnt like chocolate or sweets. i have to bribe her with raisons. she is a weird child!
Thats Oliver too, raisens or cuecumber he'll do anything for but raisens make him a little hyper. He also eats clemintines, bananas, melons and apples but has gone off grapes.
I'm struggling with Amalie... she'll only eat cereal, crackers & cheese, or biscuits, chocolate & crisps!! Don't know what to do or try really.... am thinking I may phone my health visitor!?

She would survive solely on milk if I let her!
Would it help if you didnt buy the chocolate and biscuits? I never had them in the house which is how i managed to get fruit in him
That's a fact Cheryl, us mums worry terribly and it gets worse as they get older I think lol :sigh:
Oh is that what it was. Well i didnt like it so i pulled it out, cant have that until i can get an appt with Emily.