Hello lovelies, well done to all of you that lost and sts

and boo to those that gianed, those gains will soon be gone xx
Jo, glad you went to docs, funny you should say that about the receptionist, my daughter rang me not half an hour ago and wanted me to listen to a letter she had written to her doctor.....her, her husband and their daughter are all chronic asthmatics and have been since birth almost, they have always had 2 inhaler pumps every month each plus my granddaughter has eczema really bad and has to use diprobate like we would use water every single day, so when Kelly put int he prescription last week and picked it up, there were only 3 inhalers and not the usual 6 and the cream was a cheaper substitute....so Kelly phoned docs and receptionist told her that they don't need 6 inhalers and they also can make do with the cheaper cream...Kelly is spitting blood....as she said that is for the doctor to decide (and knowing Kelly's doctor, he would never agree to that) and not the unqualified receptionist...bl00dy cheek some of these women have...used to have one like that myself but got so fed up of telling her not to phone my house and ask for Malcolm, told her she had only ever seen him about half a dozen times and was not his friend she should ask for Mr Watson, but each time she ignored me and my doctor didn't listen when I complained, so i changed docs and now they do listen lol xxx
Kath, glad you had a great birthday weekend and Happy Birthday :birthday: for whenever it was and good to see you back on track...have now posted you those books at long last ...I always get there in the end lol xxx
Hope I haven't missed anyone out, sorry if I did xxx
Well done in advance to all Monday weighers yet to post, I am sure you'll do well whatever the outcome, just remember you're all amazing :hug99: xxx