ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

Yea we are always slagging off the way she speaks
Dough balls looked gorg she served them with garlic and herb dip yummy.
Cant believe its Friday already thank god for that

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Yea we are always slagging off the way she speaks
Dough balls looked gorg she served them with garlic and herb dip yummy.
Cant believe its Friday already thank god for that

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I'm sure these Fridays come round quicker every week ;-) x
Whoop whoop for Friday
Finished work at 4.15. Came home and made myself 2weetabix 3pp then when to the gym and did a mega mix class taught I was gona pass out half wsy through it. The instructor was in a bad mood and unfortunately took it out on us but I didn't mind I sweated more than usual hehe.
Then I went food shopping and got all the diff options flavours to try and also bought muller light chocolate 3pp.
Had yellowfin 3pp with baby potatoes 6pp and veg 0pp.
Started sorting out pic into files so they are all ready to print off tomorrow and I ordered a photo book and canvas pic online so very productive night hehe
Sitting down now with a bottle of wine and a muller light chocolate so have 31 weeklies left yay
Hope you all had a happy Friday xXx

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Whoop whoop for Friday
Finished work at 4.15. Came home and made myself 2weetabix 3pp then when to the gym and did a mega mix class taught I was gona pass out half wsy through it. The instructor was in a bad mood and unfortunately took it out on us but I didn't mind I sweated more than usual hehe.
Then I went food shopping and got all the diff options flavours to try and also bought muller light chocolate 3pp.
Had yellowfin 3pp with baby potatoes 6pp and veg 0pp.
Started sorting out pic into files so they are all ready to print off tomorrow and I ordered a photo book and canvas pic online so very productive night hehe
Sitting down now with a bottle of wine and a muller light chocolate so have 31 weeklies left yay
Hope you all had a happy Friday xXx

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Hey Ciara,

Well Done for doing Megamix, no pain no gain and all that! Yey for all the different Options Flavours, I've tried 7 now, the only one I didn't like was White, won't buy that one again! I can't have any Muller Lights as they aren't Veggie :-( But they always sound super nice! Well Done on sorting and ordering your photo bits, are u going to post a couple on here so we can see how gorgeous you looked?

What are your plans for Saturday? X
I bought the white one to try.
I can't wait to get the pictures done im so excited. Yep il post some up tonight for ye. I got a loan of a few people's memory sticks and took what I wanted off them they had some brill ones it was really hard to know when to stop andsay enough is enough hehe.
Well today im going to fightclub. Then hone for lunch and clean the house.then off to the shopping centre to get the pictures done. Then I have to go home and defrost the freezer boo to that. Im gona try make a jamie oliver curry and oh that reminds me to get ww naans while im out.i wont stur outside the house after dins. Il prob hop into my pjs and chill and watch tv. I have 31 weeklies left to use so il try my best to use them itl be hard work but these things have to be done hehehe :)

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I bought the white one to try.
I can't wait to get the pictures done im so excited. Yep il post some up tonight for ye. I got a loan of a few people's memory sticks and took what I wanted off them they had some brill ones it was really hard to know when to stop andsay enough is enough hehe.
Well today im going to fightclub. Then hone for lunch and clean the house.then off to the shopping centre to get the pictures done. Then I have to go home and defrost the freezer boo to that. Im gona try make a jamie oliver curry and oh that reminds me to get ww naans while im out.i wont stur outside the house after dins. Il prob hop into my pjs and chill and watch tv. I have 31 weeklies left to use so il try my best to use them itl be hard work but these things have to be done hehehe :)

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It's such a Chore to use Weeklies ;-) More is More tho! X
Chore is right
. I bought another bottle of wine and had a gorg curry with low fat coconut milk and I have 21 weeklies left what will I use them on?
While I was out today I bought the new rachel allen book so im gona make some yums outa it. I also developed pics and bought a pair of boots and two tops in pennys with a voucher I had.
Watching big bang theory now with Graham and having some wine after a busy day life couldn't get any better xXx

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Chore is right
. I bought another bottle of wine and had a gorg curry with low fat coconut milk and I have 21 weeklies left what will I use them on?
While I was out today I bought the new rachel allen book so im gona make some yums outa it. I also developed pics and bought a pair of boots and two tops in pennys with a voucher I had.
Watching big bang theory now with Graham and having some wine after a busy day life couldn't get any better xXx

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You STILL have 21 Weeklies left! OMG! Sounds as tho you had a very productive day :) What will be first on your Baking 'Hit List' from the new book? X
Well chocolate cookies and cream cheese cake would be number one and then butterscotch apple pie and iced strawberry merengue. Thats only the start oh Serena theres too many yummy things in the book.
Yea still 21 weeklies left I would ideally like them to be gone tonight as my wi is on tues. K gona have velvet crunch 2pp and a blueberry Greek yogurt 2pp cuz im getting hungry. I honestly am finding it hard to use my weeklies this week dunno why

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Well chocolate cookies and cream cheese cake would be number one and then butterscotch apple pie and iced strawberry merengue. Thats only the start oh Serena theres too many yummy things in the book.
Yea still 21 weeklies left I would ideally like them to be gone tonight as my wi is on tues. K gona have velvet crunch 2pp and a blueberry Greek yogurt 2pp cuz im getting hungry. I honestly am finding it hard to use my weeklies this week dunno why

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Iced Strawberry Meringue! That would so be top of my list! I am however not struggling with my Weeklies use and I'm only 2 days in lol x
That cake sounds amazing, can't wait to see pics of all you've made.

If you're struggling to eat weeklies maybe buy some full 'fat' things for in reserve, so walkers crisps at 5pp not velvet crunch, or a creamy 4pp yoghurt? Full fat cheese on your pasta etc... It may help. Or else a bottle of wine is 19pp :p
Busy, busy, reading you diary tires me out lol! The baking all sounds too delicious, I just bought a cake pop mould, don't know if I dare risk making any at the mo though, I'd probably troff the lot!
Can't wait to get stuck into cooking again now that im not occupied with wedding preps.
Good idea about the full fat stuff. I was also thinking of picking a recipe from one of my many recipe books and making it at the weekend.
I got up this morning and ran 10k with my friend. Enjoyed the chat with her as she is going through a lot at the min.
Came home and cut the grass and did the weeding. Had my shower then and just after finishing my breakie. Not doing much else today. Im gona sit dwn and read my ww mag and make soup for the week. Graham is going to watch the arsenal match so I think il just go to the shops and buy a nice yankie candle for myself with a voucher I have. Anyone have any nice plans for today?

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Can't wait to get stuck into cooking again now that im not occupied with wedding preps.
Good idea about the full fat stuff. I was also thinking of picking a recipe from one of my many recipe books and making it at the weekend.
I got up this morning and ran 10k with my friend. Enjoyed the chat with her as she is going through a lot at the min.
Came home and cut the grass and did the weeding. Had my shower then and just after finishing my breakie. Not doing much else today. Im gona sit dwn and read my ww mag and make soup for the week. Graham is going to watch the arsenal match so I think il just go to the shops and buy a nice yankie candle for myself with a voucher I have. Anyone have any nice plans for today?

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Oooo your day sounds like the perfect Sunday (Except the 10K Run, u can keep that bit!Lol!) Let us know what's in the WW Mag, will you find a soup recipe in there? X
God u have had a busy morning. I've been up since 7.30 but I've been entertaining my 17 month old niece :) I bought the new ww mag, there is loads of lovely recipes in it.
im recked now though.
sent pics to all the family. gonna go up to my bros with his bday present later.
how do i change the name of my diary? iv been trying to do it for ages and cant figure it out.
heres some pics as promised
Wow you look amazing in those pics!

Have fun experimenting with baking :)

I've not really got many plans for today- got Hunters Chicken cooking in the slow cooker, and got some reading to do for uni.