Weekly weigh-in thread

Well done! Thats a fab loss hunni :D
Hi all...I'm still here, but was stuck at the same weight for weeks. I know it wasn't the food, I can't veer off the plan because my IBS comes back with a vengeance.
Anyway I stopped the cheeky wines & bud lights...oops! This week I have lost 3lbs & feel fab! I don't think the sugar in the drink does me any good either. I'll be a bliddy monk at this rate, lol.
Hope you are all doing well, I will try to catch up in a bit x
Hey Sharon, well done love and nice to see you post :)
Well done losers;)
Nice one! Fab loss :)
It is with great delight that I am able to share with you all my 14lb loss. It has taken seven weeks, more or less, but I am thrilled. Almost half of my recent regain, gone! Haven't weighed-in for at least a week so I will give the scales a go on Saturday morning and see if there's any more good news.

I have been very strict and kept portion sizes small to kick-start losses again. To further help things along I, too, have given up booze. It leads to cheating, no matter how 'strong' I may feel when I have the first couple of drinks. Later on I suddenly get mad cravings!

Well done everyone and keep going. That is, quite literally, the secret of success.
Great stuff GG. Hope the wooshie fairy visits again;)
Yes! I had kept a ten-stone loss off for nearly 13 years. Then my father passed away. I had tough exams at uni. My brother was diagnosed with a third terminal disease... I started to nibble again. And to drink just that bit more.

Now I am recovering and dealing with the annoying and demoralising regain. I have only around 22lb to lose now to be back at my longtime maintenance weight.

Stick at it people, and never falter over the longer term. We may stray but if we come back to the fold, we will eventually triumph! Love and luck to all x