Hi Weemo sorry I missed your birthday. Trust the guy to be the letdown lol. Glad to read you had a great time.
I used to write my food diary on my PC, but it became a bit of a pain as I was never near my PC when I needed, and when I was at the PC I always had better things to do lol.
I ended up doing the same as you, and now keep a notebook. I don't carry it around with me but I find it very useful in keeping track of what I've had, and it also helps me plan shopping/meal plans and even works as a one-stop shop for ingredients and syn amounts. Love it and would recommend it to anyone who doesn't already keep one.
Best bit of advice I ever heard for SW was: "Before you bite it, write it!"
Better late than never Dave, thanks
Love your last bit of advice, very true!! xx
Hi Mary I am another with a note book
I have started writing in mine and had dinner planned - lets hope it works really well for the both of us
H xx
It will work for us H, hope to-day is going good for you xx
Hi Mary, 8lbs since September is pretty good going, i gained more than that over xmas

I might use your notebook idea, i write my diary on computer print outs but then you have lots of loose bits of paper. I agree that writing it down really helps so will start doing this again.
My hubby went to see Avatar and loved it too,glad you enjoyed it
I do think writing it down is crucial for me, you have been doing so well hun so it's whatever works for you. Have a good day xx
Hi there weemo, fellow flylady fan ?
How did the decluttering go-i am starting tomorrow,beginning with the huge pile of ironning that seems to be taking up half of the kitchen
Jane ~ I got half a room done so that is always a start, spent ages on the flylady site reading about doing housework instead of doing it lol! Hope you got the ironing started! xx
Hi Mary, hope you had a fab xmas, new year and birthday. Well done for getting back on plan. Good luck, i'm sure you will reach your target soon xx
Thanks hun and welcome back xx
Hi chick, belated Happy Birthday from me xx
I'm 39 this year too.... not sure how I feel about approaching 40, I guess I can't change anything though so no point fretting too much about it!!
Well done on finding the courage to get weighed and 8lb isn't bad over that amount of time, I put 6lb on in 2 weeks - eek!
You'll feel so good getting back on the plan though hun, good luck with it. xx
Thanks Jay ~ I'm the same hun, can't change our age so just have to grin and bear it. One thing is for sure it gives me another good reason to get to target and stay there! xx
I had a 100% day yesterday and am doing well to-day. However I weighed myself today again, I know I shouldn't have, but I have put on another 1lb!! It must be my birthday celebrations catching up with me! Not for weighing myself again until Friday, my official WI day.
Had planned to go and get some groceries but won't be able to because of the snow ~ we have had it constantly as past 2 weeks and I am so fed up with it! I live in the country so our roads are not gritted. More decluttering is on the agenda for to-day, might see if I can spend some of my birthday money on Ebay, I am getting withdrawel symptoms from not shopping!! xx