Oh Mary I am sorry to here about your jobs
lets hope something happens before the contracts both end
I am sure it will
I too will most likely not be going anywhere with this weather - so plan on sorting the rest of my bedroom - decluttering and chucking out as much as I can - I have so much stuff I no longer wear or want - I might take it to the salvation arm rather than the op shop (charity shop) as they can use it to help the homeless who I am quite sure will really appreciate some of the warmer stuff
I also have some bras that done fit anymore and will be sending them off to be reused
hope you still feel really good about your decluttering - I find it very theraputic

Thanks H *hugs* ~ have been de-cluttering, can't believe how much rubbish I have accumulated, going to sell some on ebay too, will all help considering my upcoming unemployment :cry:xx
Hey Hun, I am so sorry to hear about your jobs, I am sure that you will find a job as you are a lovely person. On the plus side at least you have a little bit of time to find something and I am positive you will. Congratulations on the loss you sound like you have your head in gear and I am sure the lb will fall off.
Have a great weekend hun and enjoy dancing on ice (I'm sure if you look out your window you may see some more dancing on ice!!!). x
Lol Shirley re the dancing on ice! Still plenty of snow here but could be worse. *hugs* thanks for your lovely comments

sorry to hear about your jobs mary, best of luck in finding something new.
You did well to lose 2lbs in 4 days tho, hope next week goes well for you.
Thanks hun *hugs* ~ have been using my notebook to record EVERY bite that goes into my mouth ~ been saving syns for the evening because that's when I find it very difficult! xx
Hi Mary, just catching up hun. That's rubbish about your jobs, at least you have a few months to try and find something but I know that's not much consolation. Good luck though.
I also am feeling lighter and less sluggish now I'm back on plan, although I have been hungry I also think it's because I've eaten off plan and non stop since December. It's a long time to have off and I don't plan on doing the same thing again next Christmas.
Looking forward to Dancing on Ice - double installment this weekend too

Right, off to start and make my Kofta Curry from the mag, good job I checked the recipe, it takes an hour and a half in total!!!
Have a lovely weekend chick. xx
Thanks Jay

Watched Dancing on Ice last night and looking forward to tomorrow night's show (how sad am I?

). Am planning to make the Homity (sp?) pie from the new SW mag next week. Have a lot of old SW mags that I found during my decluttering session so going to have a look through them for some new recipe ideas. *hugs* xx
Hi Mary congrats on the 2lb loss, especially as you hadn't been on plan all week. Maybe that could work every week? I would sign up to that diet for sure lol
Sorry to hear about the job front, but on a brighter note you have been given plenty of warning so you can be on the look out now. I know it probably doesn't feel good right now but it is better than being told not to come back tomorrow lol. Also, this could be the start of something incredible for you to match your weight loss
All the best x
Thanks Dave *hugs* ~ am very pleased with the loss, just shows how much crap I had been eating. xx
Hiya mary..
Sorry to hear bout your jobs,what do you do btw...
Well done on your weightloss this week,im really pleased for you,have a nice evening xx
Thanks Fuzzy *hugs* ~ one of my jobs is a library assistant and the other is a teacher's assistant for helping adults read and write. I will still continue with this on a voluntary basis as I find it so worthwhile. I left a highly paid (and VERY stressful) job to do work that I found enjoyable and worthwhile (also stress flared up my Crohns) so I am hoping something will turn up for me in either of these fields. Hubby is cooking a SW meal as we "speak" xx
Just popping in to say hello - well done on the 2off already - great going - hope you are having a good weekend

Hi Fitz

thank you, let's hope the weight continues to drop, must say my weekend is pretty quiet but am happy enough with that *hugs* xx
Hope you are having a lovely weekend
Thanks H *hugs* ~ must say my mood is up and down but my lovely hubby is trying his best to cheer me up! SW is going well too

Firmly back on the SW wagon now, really want this excess weight shifted. My hubby is wanting to lose a bit too so that helps (mind you he doesn't really need to, except for a bit of a beer belly

). Quiet day, more decluttering completed, am taking it slowly. Hubby is cooking at the moment and then we are for watching a DVD ~ tomorrow will be spent doing more decluttering before going back to work on Monday. Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx