Thank you everyone - you are SO brilliant and I want to do this to make you proud.
I ended up eating some stir fry last night but nothing bad - there was nothing bad in the house

I ended up going to bed ridiculously early as I was tired and falling asleep in front of the laptop doing some Christmas shopping

I've now sorted half of the presents out, and not stepped into a shop yet :clap:
I weighed myself this morning and seem to have dropped half a pound which I am surprised about - so I am currently 17st 11.4lbs - I know I shouldn't WI each day but it helps me keep track of what may affect my eating (too much carbs, too much salt etc) - I also wanted a reference point from yesterday.
I'm going to treat today as the start of my week - with my weeklies and go from there. I think what threw me off course yesterday was I'd planned out my meal and when I got to the shop the ingredients were not there, so I went into a bit of a tailspin - not an excuse I know!
I can't promise that I'm in the right head space, to be honest I'm not in any frame of mind, but I know if I stick to this I will feel infinitely better, and I need to keep remembering that.
I love you all xxx