Weight loss buddy anyone??

Well done mitsy :) your doing fab :)

How you getting on adi? It's so hard to keep track of people on here sometimes, I'm mostly on through my phone, so miss loads of conversations lol xx

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All of these losses are great. Well done everyone. Have had an upside down week so far. WI is on Monday so I've got half a week to pull it back. Have meal planned and written a shopping list. Morrisons here I come.
STS today :( am pretty gutted as I've done nothing to deserve it! Little voice in my head saying sod it go and eat everything in sight but so far resisted as I know it will only mess up this week for me too :( x
STS today :( am pretty gutted as I've done nothing to deserve it! Little voice in my head saying sod it go and eat everything in sight but so far resisted as I know it will only mess up this week for me too :( x

(hugs) don't do it sweetie, it does mess up the following week and makes it harder to stick to plan after a day of picking. Believe me I've done it.

Keep going its going to be so worth it in the end :D
I meant to ask on my earlier post does anyone else measure themselves? I never used to and had forgotten that on the day I started back on sw 5 weeks ago today I did measure myself. So I re-measured this morning as was shocked to find I've lost 1 inch off bust, 2.5 inches off hips and 2.5 inches off my waist even though weight loss is slow :D
Resist the urge funky!! Get back on it :)

I measure myself jacque, lost 2 inch off everywhere which I'm pleased at!! I think your doing fab chick :) xx

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Thanks, I've resisted so far...
Checking measurements is a good idea I measured myself before I started slimming world and haven't since so maybe I should do it now so I can physically see how far I've come?!?
I'll keep you lot posted x
Thanks Karen :) I am having a low day. I ordered lots of things to try on for the wedding I am going to tomorrow and none look good, and 99% didn't fit at all :( It really really made me feel self concious and miserable :cry:

I will do this, its just I have to deal with tomorrow and look like a tent on legs as can't lose it any quicker!
Thanks Karen :) I am having a low day. I ordered lots of things to try on for the wedding I am going to tomorrow and none look good, and 99% didn't fit at all :( It really really made me feel self concious and miserable :cry:

I will do this, its just I have to deal with tomorrow and look like a tent on legs as can't lose it any quicker!
Hey Jackie, sorry to hear you're feeling so low :( I know exactly how you feel! But I've seen some pics of you and you look like an attractive lady to me-unfortunately I also know if you feel that way about yourself it doesn't matter what anyone else says to you, you still feel just as bad. Just try to bottle that feeling you have of wanting the weight off ASAP and remember how you feel when you're going out for an occasion such as this-then use it as an incentive not to cheat! Try to have a good time anyway, I'm 100% positive no one will be looking and you and thinking ANYTHING along the lines of how you feel about yourself! Try to enjoy it and think if they don't like me the way I am then sod 'em! (I usually find getting very drunk ensures I lose my inhibitions and enjoy the evening,lol, though this is far from being the best advice!)xxxx
I meant to ask on my earlier post does anyone else measure themselves? I never used to and had forgotten that on the day I started back on sw 5 weeks ago today I did measure myself. So I re-measured this morning as was shocked to find I've lost 1 inch off bust, 2.5 inches off hips and 2.5 inches off my waist even though weight loss is slow :D
This is some fab advice! I went on a diet a while before going back to slimming wolrd, and was doing loads of exercise, and for ages the scales didn't budge! But I HAD lost inches off my waist! Its defo an extra boost when you're not necessarily seeing movement on the scales-your body may still be changing for the better :)
Hey Jackie, sorry to hear you're feeling so low :( I know exactly how you feel! But I've seen some pics of you and you look like an attractive lady to me-unfortunately I also know if you feel that way about yourself it doesn't matter what anyone else says to you, you still feel just as bad. Just try to bottle that feeling you have of wanting the weight off ASAP and remember how you feel when you're going out for an occasion such as this-then use it as an incentive not to cheat! Try to have a good time anyway, I'm 100% positive no one will be looking and you and thinking ANYTHING along the lines of how you feel about yourself! Try to enjoy it and think if they don't like me the way I am then sod 'em! (I usually find getting very drunk ensures I lose my inhibitions and enjoy the evening,lol, though this is far from being the best advice!)xxxx

aww thank you sweetie . I've felt awful all day... think got myself all worked up about it. Thing is all these clothes I ordered looked fab on the models but they were all like size 10's.....

I sabotaged my diet a little today too :cry: I had been so strong but it proves my weakness is comfort eating and I need to find a way to deal with that (good job I don't get invited out too often!!)

I ordered a dress on ebay which the lady posted first class recorded today so theres a 50% chance it will come in the morning. If not then it will just have to be the boden jersey flowery dress with black leggings etc. I got a text this morning asking if me and my daughter would go to the service so now I'm wibbling more than ever as I have no posh clothes at all. I had bought the new leggings to wear to the evening do and the boden dress to go with them, so it will have to do for church too ;)

Wish me luck as I'm wibbling very muchly. I'm not good at these do's. But I am going so thats the first step ( I used to make excuses not to go :rolleyes:)

Waffle over, you can always tell when I'm struggling with something because I waffle alot :D
Lol Jackie, bless ya hun, I'm sure it'll all be fine. I know that feeling when you order stuff and think how it'll look on you then its a big disappointment when you get to try them on-buying new clothes is always very depressing for me!
We WILL get there tho! Its my ambition to be able to go clothes shopping in Primark as none of their stuff would ever fit me now, and it's not fair that its so dirt cheap-places like Evans cost a fortune! How UNFAIR is that? Not only do we have to cope with being overweight but we have to pay more too!ArrrrrggggggggggHHHH! x
Hi jackie, I know I can't say much to make you feel better but I think your outfit sounds lovely & definitely something I would choose for a special occasion :) have an awesome day tomorrow & as adipose said 'we will get there!' x big hugs x
Hi Jackie,
I'm sure you will look lovely, but I know exactly how frustrating it is. I had a job interview this week. Most of my ordinary clothes are too big now, but I can't fit comfortably into the next size down. I know I should have looked on the bright side that they were too big, but I felt so down that nothing fitted right. I have been self sabotaging too since, but with the help of people on here, I have dusted myself down and got back on track today. I am NOT going back to those clothes, and I WILL fit into the clothes I have had for years in a smaller size that still have labels on.
Keep going, and you will too xxxx
So true! I just want to be able to go into a high street shop and buy something rather than being so limited. I think I've lived in literally next baggy pretty tunics with littlewoods pull on black stretchy bootleg trousers for so many years.

Funny thing is I can wear a size 20 in these two items so kidded myself for all this time I am a size 20..... found out otherwise for this wedding :O ie when the material doesn't stretch 3 or 4 sizes lol

So despite sabotaging all my hard work today,we'll call that a blip, draw a line under it and carry on plan from this second on as I now have belly ache :(
aww thanks guys you both typed as I did :) you lot are so lovely you've made me :cry: Its a pretty dress just feels more like a tent but hey won't it be great in a few months to put it on and it drowns me :D I shall go to the wedding with that thought in my head lol :D