Weight loss chart ideas


determined to be slim
Evening all, I want to make a massive weight loss chart my husband is going to draw me something that I can colour in bit for each lb lost it will be stuck on my bedroom wall so I can see it when I wake up and remember my goal

Anyway I'm looking for some design ideas, does anyone have a chart they've made
That's a great idea and will keep you motivated/focused. I think I'll try something similar to stick on the fridge x x
My hubby is working on a design he thinks I will like, so I will post a picture of it when he is finished, then it will be my job to colour it in each week
I love it


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Although he did miss the H out of weight but I can fix that later, really happy with it and I'm sure all 4 of my darling children will help me colour it in each week
This is mine - goes all the way to my goal and I colour it in each week. I stuck pictures of clothes I want to wear, celebs I want a figure like, special dates that I want to be slim for and shops that I want to be able to shop at (Primark was on there but I took it off as I realised that I will be splashing out a bit more than Primark prices for my new body!). I love colouring it in. It keeps me focused and I can see I'm over halfway to goal now! :bliss:

This is mine - goes all the way to my goal and I colour it in each week. I stuck pictures of clothes I want to wear, celebs I want a figure like, special dates that I want to be slim for and shops that I want to be able to shop at (Primark was on there but I took it off as I realised that I will be splashing out a bit more than Primark prices for my new body!). I love colouring it in. It keeps me focused and I can see I'm over halfway to goal now! :bliss:

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=90861"/>

That's fantastic! I want one :)

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Easy to do - I printed the grid out on the computer then stuck it on a cereal box haha! X

It looks massive! Like a length of wallpaper :)

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This is my attempt. 6 x A4 sheets of paper with 14lbs on each and then a further 5lbs on another. If I can lose all of that or should I say when, I shall be a very slim 10st 7lbs, really little for me at a smidge off 5ft 8. Happy to be in the low 11's really! Anyway, it does look very daunting, 89lbs to lose is huge but on the plus side I've lost 23 of those in the past 4 weeks leaving 66lbs to go which does sound a tad better!
I shall be putting a great big red X through each pound as its lost :)