Time to talk.. this is the emotional messy side of my head so if you want to skip along feel free. This is more for my benefit of getting it out than anything else.
Im not going to work today. Rang in sick because of stress. Saw my occupational health nurse at work a couple of weeks back because I was struggling, we spoke I filled in a stress self assessment - which was tbh a waste of time. I have tried for 2 weeks almost daily to get a one to one appointment with my boss so I could tell him about the problems I am having and it just hasnt happened.
I have been coming home everyday exhausted, stressed, depressed and generally feel like as each day goes by I am getting deeper and deeper into a depressive mood I cannot shake. I have depression, take anti depressants and have had these peaks and troughs in my mood since my early 20s. This one is hard. Got so bad last night I was a real mess. Then I decided I need time out.
From past experiences I know I need to shout for help early when I recognise the signs and despite having done so I am only getting worse not better. I do not want to end up as mentally unstable as I have before where taking my own life has been my only thought and I have tried, many times. Therefore this time I m taking myself out of the stress of work, seeing my GP this afternoon and am going to try hard to deal with this before it becomes too much.
It is not easy. I am sat here feeling guilty for letting down my colleagues - I seem to excel in self blame and guilt. I feel ashamed, like I am a humiliation to my parents 'the mental daughter that cant cope with normal life,' they have never said that, and mum has reassured me regardless she thinks this is the right thing to do for my health now but I think that.
Its so hard to describe to someone who has never felt it, its like I have a voice in my head thats moaning at me, laughing at me and giving me derogatory feedback about what a waste I am 24/7. I am frightened of people. Of being judged and people thinking I am a failure, pathetic, weak. All I want is to curl up in my bed and stay there, so I dont have to speak to anyone, so no one can see me but even then that voice keeps on at me.
I get scared about everything. The phone ringing, someone knocking at the door, of being alone in a supermarket, hell in the past I even had panic attacks in a supermarket when I lost my mum.. I am 34 not 3!
There is also the physical things. I have a headache it has been with me for 3/4 days now, my sleep is erratic I either sleep lots or hardly at all.. Since I woke yesterday morning at 0215am I have had 5 hours sleep. I feel tired but cant actually fall asleep. My appetite is a bit mad too, I am either so hungry I want to binge on non sw food or I just have no desire to eat at all.
I feel angry. With me mostly but also with other people. Its like the world is going out of its way to do things just to annoy me!
Sounds so silly when I write it all down like this but this is an outlet I have and need so I totally understand those of you who wish to stop reading me for a while.