WeMitt thread - we really do Mean It This Time...

Right then Ailsa - mini challange on -
at least one stone by September 20th - although I really need to lose 1st9lbs. I am frightened of stopping SS as well, but it has to be done sooner or later. My CDC wants me to do add a meal the week before I go to Italy, so that I can call on her for help if necessary when I eat my first "real" food since January 4th. For once in my life, I am going to do exactly as I'm told - I really do trust her. I am also going to follow her advice in Italy, and enjoy myself, don't "forbid" anything, but try and "choose" low carb most of the time, and don't overdo the alcohol. (Has been known in the past!) I am going to see her for weight in the day after I get back, and have the choice "not to know" my weight that day. I am then going back on SS, and will get weighed again the week after. I'm not good at taking orders off people, but I need help with this one, and I'm going to do as she says. If I end up looking anything like her, I'll be well pleased. (Oh alright then, she is 30+ years younger and 6'4" tall!!!!!!)
I know what you mean about complements Ailsa, and understand your feelings totally. I THINK my head is a lot healthier now around my attitude to food, (and drink). I have to beware of what I call the "f*** it factor" you know where you want something you know you shouldn't be having but say "oh f*** it, I'm having it" (excuse the language, but there really is no other way to put it.)
Have a good day all you lovely WeMitts.

Ann xxx PTBAW
Hi Wemitts

Found you all.... Thanks Ann and Mrs T, I was feeling very lonely on the other board.

Ann, I know how you feel about not making it to the 12's but it will come, we just need to get a bit of WeMITT patience.

Debbie, loved your theory on why its so hot, keep the good work up everyone it gorgeous. Don't laugh but I am still sleeping with my duvet and hot water bottle - I just keep getting cold:cool: .

Anja - MANY HAPPY RETURNS, hope you are having a brill day and have got lots of nice prezzies and something special planned.

I am going to read the other pages now - sorry if I missed anyone but I haven't had a chance to read everything yet (to busy setting up my ticker - lets hope DH gets this going).

Take care everyone (oops should say its BarbaraJ from the DH boards)
Hey Barbara,
Still no better , i have gained back all of the 3 stone i lost all bar 4 lbs i think :( .

Feel very ashamed , disgusted , humilliated but the fault is all my own i am weak so its not that it isn't possible to lose weight i am just not strong enough !!!

Feel quite sad today in my head i am planning to ss again but i dont tell people anymore to save myself embarrasment oh well enough of the pity party !!

I love reading up how well you are doing i shouldve been at target by now , how are you getting on ?

take care
Hi Kandy

Sorry to hear you have put most of the weight back on, it doesn't however mean your weak etc so get those de-moralising thoughts out of your wee head. This diet is not easy by anyones stretch of the imagination and your head has to be in the right place (I think the same goes for any diet really). Have you considered doing LL for the first 100 days (I know its expensive compared to CD) to get the help groups or going to the GP for counselling, it may help you focus on why you turn to food etc and give you tips on how to deal with it. Another thought is build up to the SS over time and use their other plans to cut back.

I am chuffed to bits and doing really well, I have lost 6 stone 13 pounds todate and feel great for it. But I really really consider myself lucky as I don't have the same temptations as some of you other WeMITTs, my flat is devoid of food - I don't know how anyone SS's with that kind of temptation in the way.

If you feel like you need some support, in my own humble way I would be pleased to try and help you if I can, even if it is just a voice on the end of the phone e-mail me and I will send you my mobile number.

Take care
Just wanted to post that I lost 2.2lbs today. Have a lot to go but am getting there. Ann, I would like to ask you some medicine questions as i am on citlopram (sp???) would you mind if I pm'ed you???
Hi Barbara ,
You have done amazingly well i am so pleased for you!

I really want to ss away my weight so thats why i feel a failure i can be ticking along calorie counting and doing well then a little voice says well done but on CD you would be losing loads of weight i then get down and eat badly !

When i did ss first time round i was depressed and desperate about my weight maybe i need to feel that way again and if thats the case ss here i come lol !

Thanks you for your reply it really means alot !! :D

Well i have been miserable enough (sorry wemitts now you know why i dont post lol !) i am feeling a little more upbeat now and hoping to have losses to report soon !

Take care x
Kandy hun, please don't be too hard on yourself, you will lose the weight (I have full confidence in you) but as Barbara says you have to be in the right frame of mind to tackle these diets. vlcds are far from easy (as you know) but you have done it before and you will do it again! Just take some time out to really think about the diet/your weight/how you feel and try to start to love yourself again, you are worth it!!!!!

Then plan a strategy of getting back into the diet whether that is cold turkey jumping back in fully ss ing or starting off on the 790 plan - whatever feels right to you, but I really firmly believe that when the time is right you will do it!

And in the meantime please keep posting with the wemitts, I like reading your posts and you are always gonna be a friend of the wemitts whether you are currently dieting or not!

Hope you feel better soon doll xx

Hello to all other wemitts, hope everyone is ok? I am fine very busy sorting the house move out and ordering new appliances :D - shopping my favourite past time! (oh well it could be worse, eating used to be my number one past time, and look where that got me)!!!

Lol at global warming - Debbie don't let Gordon Brown get wind of your theory or we'll be facing a wemitt enviromental tax :eek:

Take care girlies xx
Kandy - you are NOT a "failure". It has to be the right time for you, when it is, you'll know. You also know that we are all here to support you, whether you're losing, gaining or staying the same - once a Wemitt always a Wemitt.
Mrs T - where is your ticker then?? you have lost just about more than anyone else, come on, lets see.
Just done a mile @ 3.7mph on the treadmill, it still amazes me - when I bought it in the winter, I was too heavy for it, but had a sneaky go - I could only manage about 1 min @ 0.5mph whilst putting a lot of weight on my hands on the handles. What a difference a few months has made. I only hope I don't go and wreck it all on holiday - I'm still scared.
love to all, Ann xxx
Hi Ann,
Thank you i do still have my wemitt t-shirt although now it doesn't fit me ! :( But, it will !

I have to stop being afraid of failing and go for it your right i have done it before , If i started before the end of this month i couldv'e lost nearly 4 stone by november is that when your next wemitt meet is ? now that would be an achievement ! :D

i know i must seem to be a bit of a joke to most of you who have just kept your heads down and lost your weight, and i so admire you all !

I will do this i will have a pack for my breakfast tomorrow morning and see what it brings i will load up on water and painkillers and try and keep all my fellow wemitts urging me on in my minds eye !

Hope to have good things to report tomorrow !

Thanks to you all x
Julie - you are definitely NOT "a joke" how could you think that we could think that about you. We could all find ourselves in the position you are in now, and I'm sure you would be one of the first to offer support and encouragement. All I would say is be a bit inventive with the foodpacks, there's no way I could have done almost 7 months on soups, shakes and bars. And also my "mantra" - don't weigh yourself at home, have it done once a week only, by someone else.
I lost 6 stone on Atkins once, and put 7 stone back in about 4 months, so I know exactly where you're coming from. I regard the maintaining as almost more important than the losing, and more difficult, from all accounts. I shall continue to "do as I'm told" (1st time in my life!) by my CDC, I trust her, and she hasn't been wrong about anything up to now.
Ann xxx
Thanks Ann,
You have done so well i think it is a very wise choice to stick with the plan 100 % i am lucky as Mike is / was my cdc and he has maintained for 6 mths so i can see 1st hand that if you stick to the letter it works !

Mrs Tweedy,
Thank you for your support ,your always so kind i hope moving preparations are going well and not too stressfull for you and i agree with Ann get a weight tracker you have done so well its nice to see it for you and us !

Again hugs and positive vibes to all you wemitts wherever you may be ! x
Oh Debbie! WeMITT Global Warming! I love it!!! Although I'm not sure what's happened to it today as it's absolutely persisting down here at the moment :( So I'm appealing to all WeMITTs .. GET SUMMER BACK! Now!!! :D

Kandy - fear of failure is the one thing that prevents most of us from achieving our goals (hark at me going into Life Coaching mode! *lol*) . Seriously, though, most often we subconsciously sabotage ourselves from doing what we really want to do because of that little voice in our heads that says: "What makes you think you can do it this time when you've failed so many times before?". The difference comes when you realise that the voice in your head is YOU .. and YOU are the only person who can say "Enough! OK, maybe I haven't got there before, but I'm damn well going to get there this time!" .. and do it.

Every single one of us has days where we despair of being on the diet and wish we could just eat 'normally' (whatever that is) - me included! I can't speak for anyone else, but what I do when that happens is simply give myself a bit of time, think of how far I've come so far and decide that THIS TIME I'm going to achieve my weight-loss goal .. something I've never done before in my life!

The other thing that I find scary is looking too far ahead. It's like being on a car journey - you can't focus on your destination because that's too far in the distance, there's no point in looking in the 'rear view mirror' because that's what's already gone - so all you have is where you are right now .. and that's the place to concentrate on. Right here! Right now! And that's not nearly as scary as looking too far into the future and seeing a long road ahead.

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, but if I am I hope it helps in some way :)

Ann - you're putting me to shame with your exercising. I am such a lazy slob, but must get my A into G sometime very soon and get myself back to the gym .. yuck!! Whatever happens, do enjoy your holidays, and just keep the WeMITT Code in mind all the time you're away. I need to keep 20th September in mind too - and I have 2 breaks between now and then planned as well, but we'll be fine! :)

Mrs T - Good luck with the house-move - and how great does it feel to have a new No.1 pastime!? :D Lots of love to you as always xxx

Georgia'smum - well done on the loss last week, honey!

Jellybabe - all I have to say is WOW!!! :eek: :D

Ailsa - I'm starting to worry about the 'last bit' too as well as maintenance, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I'm as nervous as anyone about putting the weight back on again but there's only one person who has the control of that and that's me! And I ain't gonna go back to buying size 24 clothes again .. not never!! *lol*

Irene - I'm thinking about you loads even though I don't have the daily joy of seeing your post on my thread. I hope all is well with you .. talk soon xx

And, last but by no means least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANJA!! :D ;)

End of mammoth post *lol*

Much love to all

Sharon xxx
Oh Julie you are on dangerous ground now. :eek:

You are mind reading what you think people might be feeling and going very wide of the mark in the process!

If you think about the consequences of doing this it only going to bring you down and what do you look to do when you feel down or need comfort? :rolleyes:

Now it seems to me like you are putting one heck of a lot of pressure on yourself AND projecting these thoughts as coming from others which just isn't helping you in the slightest as well as doing your cyber buddies an injustice.

My weightloss journey has been more about getting my head together than it has about sticking to the food packs. Sticking to the foodpacks will make you lose the weight, sorting out your head will help you stick to the plan and then help you keep the weight off once you have lost it :)

It's a good job you aren't in my living room with me because you'd be on the receiving end of my 'looks' and then you'd get the biggest hug I could muster for you :D

Hiya Sharon,
Thanks i will use the car journey scenario it can only help ! I have let myself get too far down really, i am back up to a size 20 22 but i threw away all my clothes as i lost weight so i have a wardrobe full of size 14 16 clothes and i have kept my fat trousers and top ,fat jeans so i could use them for some of those photos you know me holding them in front of me (size 10 ) looking all glam and now i am wearing the bluddy things :rolleyes: !

I am gonna give it my all i am trawling this site taking every bit of inspiration and advice to help me i now have a few days off work coming up after tomorrow so i will get through this i am feeling positive about this now i just wish i could bottle this feeling !

Well done on your cdc training coming up you will be a great cdc i am sure !

Take care skinny mare x :D
Thank you to everyone for my lovely birthday wishes! Am feeling incredibly fat at the mo as I just had an enormous 3 course Mexican meal for our evening out, have got work lunch tomorrow & BBQ on Sunday so will start on cutting back carbs/starting the odd pack etc. soon in prep for 7th August SS start! Looking forward to peanut bars!

This diet from beginning, to end, to maintenance is incredibly hard. Kandy, I've also lost 2.5 stone on WW and then put back every lb and then some so we really do know how you feel. No joke.

Well done everyone, these trackers make it so obvious how everyone's doing. I only weigh 158lbs currently so these huge losses make me absolutely awestruck!

Take care & love to everyone
Anja xxx
Thank you Julie, just saw DHH and my birthday wishes! I see the site's back up but it doesn't seem as easy to use as this one so I'll reserve judgement!

Anja xxx