Hi everyone
It's great to see so much motivation here in the wemitt's cosy corner ... but what else can we expect from such a marvellous group!
Barb - It's easy enough to stay motivated when we've had a good loss but when it's not such a good week, that's when we're really put to the test. It's fab that you are staying motivated not only for yourself but have enough left over to encourage others too. That's REAL wemitt spirit!! I'm sure you'll have a great weight loss next week!
Roch - welcome back to the wemitts! You sound like you're definitely 'in the zone' and I'm sure you'll take this challenge on and beat your demons this time. All you need is a bit of confidence and to believe in yourself because you CAN do this.
Set yourself small targets and never waver. Put blinkers on and never take your eyes from your mini goals.
There's an old saying which goes, "You can't eat an elephant in a single sitting" ... I realise it's a bit of a strange analogy to use when we're talking about weight loss and sole sourcing but I still believe the message is valid. When I was at my heaviest, the thought of losing 12st was just too daunting. I'd make a half-hearted attempt, lose 2lb and think "Yes - but I've still got 11st 10lb to go ... it's hopeless - it's going to take forever - what's the point." The task would stretch out in front of me like a never-ending road.
Now, I set my sights on much more achievable goals. Like a couple of weeks ago I was 14st 7lb which is 203lb. Instead of thinking I needed to lose 8lb to get down into the 13s, I broke it down even further and thought, "Right - I only need to lose 4lb to get under 200lb". As it was, I lost 3lb that week so landed dead on 200lb
... this week I only lost 2lb which could have been disappointing if it weren't for the fact I've reached my goal because I'm now 198lb! (14st 2lb)
Now I'm looking at just 3lb to drop into the 13s. A lot easier to cope with!
In the 17 days until your first weigh-in you'll do great things Roch but you must drum up all the determination and strength that you have inside. For every negative chatterbox that shouts to you, let your positive one shout even louder.
Come on here and post & post & post - every thought and feeling, every meal you've successfully negotiated, every temptation you've resisted and we'll be here cheering you along.
Really looking forward to seeing the new you emerge!!
Debbie x