Day Whatever - Off the Rails - Self Destruct!
Sitting here at lunchtime, writing up the last days traumas, eating a choccie biscuit! Oh dear!!!!
As I wrote yesterday, things have been quite hectic recently and it's no secret that I'm finding management very difficult. So what did I do? Last night I went into self destruct mode and binged on chocolate.
I came home from work and was having major cravings so I ate jelly, apples and cherry tomatoes. To be honest they just didn't hit the spot! FM was going out for tea with her niece so I dropped her at the restaurant. I was glad to take her as it was a good excuse to stop at the shop and buy rubbish food. So I did and came home and ate 2 bars of chocolate, a 6 pack of fox's classic biscuits, a packet and a half of shortbread finger biscuits and a mini tub of pringles. The whole time I was doing it I was analysing what I was doing and I knew the reasons, but felt unable to stop myself!
So by the time I made a desperate call to my LLC I knew why but it was good to talk to her. I think the need to binge was created as a plea for help! In lots of ways I am more confident but my low self esteem still makes me feel like I am not worth very much. Basically I should have called my LLC earlier but felt that I would be bothering her unless I had a valid reason to call, ie a call to say I was just thinking about eating wasn't as good a reason as a call to say I've already done it!
So after the chat the results of my self analysis are:
1. I went into management before I was ready. My decision to start was fuelled by timescales of moving and trying to be a good part through the management programme before leaving my group and going to Wales. I was also a few pounds above the target weight I had set myself but I thought that I could deal with that later. So my thoughts recently have veered towards calorie counting and losing more weight instead of maintaining the weight at which I started.
2. I have too much on my plate at the moment to devote time to management. I knew that it would be the hardest part of the programme - so much to think about and not enough time to really do it properly.
3. I am using food to invoke some feelings. Last night whilst I was eating I was completely aware that I was trying to make myself feel sick. I am about to make a major life change and I actually feel numb about it. I just wanted to feel something! Since telling FM and workmates I haven't cried once! Usually I am the biggest baby in the world and can cry at the drop of the hat! So far, I haven't shed a tear - I'm a dry husk! I know it's all going to reach crisis point and the floodgates will open. I just wish it would be soon so I can get on with it and get over it!
4. I am using food as an avoidance measure. Last night I should have started packing up for the move but if I was sitting down to eat I couldn't do both. The reasons for it are the same as the above - numbness!
5. I have to call the doctors tomorrow about the results of my blood test. I know I'm probably making a big deal over nothing but I am worried. What if there's something wrong with me? I'm sure there's not, but it's on my mind all the same!
6. It's my birthday on Thursday. That's a problem twofold - first I'll be 35 and in my head that makes me middle aged! Of course it's not but I feel I've wasted so much of my life not doing things and feeling fat and frumpy when I should have been having fun. I know I am still young and my new life will be fantastic! Secondly who wants to be on crappy management on your birthday weekend when you are going out and partying? I want to eat a nice meal and drink alcohol <throws toys out of pram again

7. Donna, I am probably very pre-menstural!! My period just hasn't appeared this month at all, so I'm waiting for it! I'll be 2 weeks late this weekend. And no, there is no way I could be pregnant! My hormones are all to pot so it's probably a very good reason for my cravings!
Well analysis over, solution discussed with LLC. I'm going back to abstinence until I move and am at the target I want to be at. I'm going to meet her for coffee on Sunday morning and we will discuss how we can manage management over the distance of 300 miles. What that means for me getting my packs and also arranging to have a weekly phone call instead of a meeting. I'll do management for the right reasons and suceed as well as I suceeded at foundation. I need to be settled and devote my attention to it. My LLC is fab isn't she? She will always go the extra mile for you. When I apologised for calling her she just laughed, said that's my job and what I'm here for! She's the best and I feel much calmer for it!
True enough, I've had chocolate today but I need to develop a strategy for coping over the weekend and just eating normally, not binging on chocolate! I know I'll get there!
Isobel, looking forward to a good chat at VFBC. Last night in my depressive mood I told my LLC that I was absolutely fine about not eating at my weekend in Newcastle, but thinking about it now, I'm not too bothered about eating but I don't want to just drink black coffee and water again like I did last time. I know I can do it but that's just not what this weekend is about is it

! I will discuss my strategy with my LLC on Sunday, hey we all gotta live haven't we! I have to learn to make adult decisions and be happy with them!
Finally, just to say that the call to the doctors this morning revealed that 1 of my blood tests is pack and is OK. The other one is still to come and I have to phone back on Friday. I feel half better!
Ho hum, well back to work for me. Hopefully I'll get back on soon, but I have such a hectic time coming up goodness knows when that will be!