Abstinence Day 2
Had quite a good nights sleep last night for the first time in almost a week. TFFT! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning as I was quite comfy with GMTV and a duvet. Did drag myself up and had barely got out the shower when my mum and dad turned up to help with the packing. I'm such a lucky girl having great parents, though i feel i will be expected to return the favour in kind when we have to finish packing their house!
Felt much better today, but still a little grumpy and was quite short with my mum at some points during the day. Felt quite bad but I think it was a combination of things such as carb withdrawal, tiredness, being ill and finally thinking "****, have I made a big mistake moving back to such close proximity to my parents?". Feel a bit like a guilty teenager who won't be able live a full and riotous life only 1 floor above my mum and dad! Felt very liberated by the events of the weekend but no more details - WGOTSOT! The only thing I can say is that a weekend in Newcastle can do wonders for your self esteem, especially when you have none! How you perceive yourself is completely different to the way others see you, but you just don't realise how special you (we all) are!
I did have quite an ego boost moment on Sunday morning when the girls had all left and was in the hotel on my own. After saying goodbye to you all in the lobby I caught the lift up to my floor and as the doors opened 2 absolutely gorgeous (tall, dark haired, muscley and wearing shorts

) guys were waiting to get in the lift to go downstairs. When they saw me they stopped and indicated for me to get out of the lift which I did. I said thank you to them but one of them said to me in a very suggestive manner "no, thank you!" and I felt them watch me all the way round the corner out of sight (at this point I did have to put a little extra sway in the step - work it girl!). Now that's an ego boost and a half, appreciation by 2 gorgeous guys, SOBER on a sunday morning when I had only gone to bed at 6.30am, felt as rough as a badgers arse and was obviously in the first throes of tonsilitus. For someone who's been ignored most of her life by the opposite sex, man don't you just love the power!
VFBC Girls by the way, I would just like to say one thing, which was something I was thinking about earlier this afternoon. Some of you might (or might not) know that I keep a written diary as well (have done since I was 14). Today I was writing up the last weeks entries that I haven't had a chance to write yet (and I'm only up as far as our meal in Est Est Est and had to stop coz I got writers cramp!). Anyway, my point is in that writing up Friday's early evening from meeting up with you guys until we went out I was re-living that time and was struck by just how comfortable I felt with you all. We just click don't we! We spent a bit of time just sitting around chatting whilst waiting for all crew members to arrive and not once did I feel awkward or tongue tied, or shy or uncomfortable. This was before alcohol as well and usually I am so shy and worried about situations like that I won't even go. So a big hug and a thank you gals, for being the best! And also for the warm fuzzy feelings!
Right, back to today! I have felt hungry all day today, even with being so busy packing. Hopefully ketosis will be here in a couple of days (thank goodness!). I must admit to a little milk in my tea, it was the only way I could get to drink anything at all. Water is too cold and hurts and black coffee at the moment makes me want to vom (spill my guts and cry to mom!). I have had an extra bar today as well, but it's better than the chocolate/biscuit binges I've been prone to lately. Besides, it's almost time for me to go to bed. I know it's not quite 8pm but I have the big move tomorrow and I need to be up early.
So I'll probably lurk a little then head up the apples! Night night folks!