Susie the pate is so easy and yum, sorry vague on amounts but it doesn't matter, you can hoik anything into pate and it ALWAYS comes out yummy!
400g chicken livers
slice or two of streaky bacon if you fancy - makes pate firmer but adds flavour
tiny sprinkle of onions - v approx level dessertspoon, I use frozen ones - can leave these out too
big squeeze of garlic paste - about 1/4 of a tube
mixed herbs - about level teaspoon
good slop of oil to fry - maybe 3 tabespoons
good slop of cream to blend - maybe 4 tablespoons
capful of whiskey (or brandy)
loads of salt and black pepper
Fry livers, onion, bacon, herbs and garlic in oil until done - 15 mins approx. Chuck in blender with the cream and whiskey and blend the bejapers out of it.
Taste and season.
Add more cream (or water or stock or something) if hardish - remember will solidify greatly once cooled and it's too late to sort then (still perfectly edible, just not as spreadable)
Try not to eat it all in one go.