What are we eating today?

B - Eggs and smoked salmon
S - Bacon sandwich (oopsy!)
L - Salmon and salad
D - Beef Burger and Veg
W - must try harder
A - None, I'm at work all night :-(
E - again, must try harder!
Plan of action for tomorrow.

Breakfast- some form of eggs, probably two boiled
Lunch - pan fried salmon with some salad
Dinner - some chicken with salad
Exercise - going to brave a couple of the shops tomorrow to pick up some sales stuff and also the gym!
Making sure I have my flaxmeal porridge every morning just to keep some continuity going - don't think I have gone as mad as I could have done to be honest, that has to be an improvement on years gone by. Did nearly 2 hours walk in the snow with dogbert yesterday which we both really enjoyed but it is slushy and slippery today so don't think it will be repeated as I like my limbs arranged as they should be lol.
Big ham joint to put in the oven for dinner, some sprouts to go with it.
As much as I love Christmas there are always part I dread as an overweight person and i've promised myself no more. I have a year and I WILL make it.

Yes you WILL, James - you have done so amazingly well, just focus on how much you have lost and keep going, matie.

Bren - that was some walk! The only thing that I've exercised lately has been my vocal cords :D

B - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
L - bacon and eggs
D - roast lamb and spinach
W - 1 litre
E - nup
A - nup
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I'm back! :D

Hope you all had a fab christmas. I have been really good Atkins-wise, but it doesn't feel like it cos I've been eating like a horse for 3 days!

B - two fried eggs, three rashers bacon, some cheese
L - cold meats with mayo
D - chicken breast and green veg
S - corned beef (a lot!) cheese, might have MiM later, Atkins choc bar
W - nope, unless you count ice in my drinks, LOL
E - nope, though I did run Xmas day
A - oh dear god yes - V&T and plenty of it!
B: A sausage
L: A slice of christmas cake with some cream
D: Some fairly low carb curry with salad veg
S: Sweets!
S: Some cheese with a couple of crackers
A: At least a bottle of wine
W: Some but not lots
E: ..ating

I've totally gone wild the last few days. I don't think I've done too much damage though - weighed myself this morning (on my mum's, not my usual scales) and I weigh 168lb so have only put on a couple of pounds. I was expecting more. Just hope her scales are accurate! :D

Whatever tho, going to take a couple of days to get back into Ketosis!
B - bacon and poached eggs
L - corned beef and cheese salad
D - roast pork belly celeriac mash and caggage ( if all goes to plan!)
W - got to find a way to remember to drink
E - food shopping and dog walk
A - we'll see......
Evening all
B - flaxmeal porridge with cream as usual
nothing else to report - nothing to see here folks, movealong........
Oh Bren, you big fibber!!!!

B - fried egg
L - 2 slices corned beef
D - er, I forget (a la Bren) :D No - lots of nibblies, some not at all legal but most not actually too bad
A - a kazillion V n Ts (had 29 people for drinks and nibblies this evening) :eek:
E - nooooooooo chance
W - not enough
Ooooops! Forgot Bren! :eek: