What are we eating today?

moody morning all:D
brekki ; ham and cheese omelette (chucked half away)

lunch; spinach salad ,avacado , cucumber with chicken and salmon

dinner;fillet steak rossini (pate , parma ham and mushroom sauce) with broccoli
, half a pack of pork scratchings
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Morning all.

B: exante shake
L: exante soup
D: grilled chicken, turnip mash with steamed cauliflower
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Yet another chilli day, no like!!

Im going to write as I eat as I so didnt eat what I planned yesterday...

So far...

B. Nuts and coffee
Snax pork crackles

Woofy X
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Ive no idea what Im going to do later today as Im going to a christening........Hoping to have a nice lunch before I go and try not to eat at the buffet... I supose I could eat any meat that may be there.

B- Cheese and mushroom omlette 3.6g
Morning all

B: Left over curry.
L: TGIF I think, as it's payday.
D: first the pub and then a donner and salad.

B - herbed cabbage, and a herbed pork chop, leftover from last night
L - Coffee, and maybe a salad from Pret as might be meeting mum
D - Chicked, ham, and cauli mash
I had this today at Pret a Manger - lovely!


Slices of smoked salmon, crayfish, cucumber, lemon wedge on the bed of fresh salad leaves. Served with Dijon French Dressing.
Your whole day’s vitamin C requirement in one lovely, low-carb lunch – your immune system will be tip-top! The crayfish and salmon combination is packed with protein, just the thing to keep you focused throughout the day with balanced blood sugar levels. It’s a bit low in calcium but you can sort this by adding a little bag of our Nuts & Bolts.






Energy Values (kcal) per pack 125
Protein (g) per pack19.1
Carbohydrate (g) per pack3.3
- of which sugars(g)2.3
Fat (g) per pack3.8 - of which saturates (g)1.0 Dietary Fibre (g) per pack2.8
Sodium (g) per pack1.2954
Average weight (g) per pack 255.0
ok i'm new to the low carb thingy so tell me how i'm doing-making it up as i go along really.

B fruit and yogurt
s-bruscheta & cheese snack pack
L salmon fillet, baby sweetcor, mushrooms and half can ratatouille
ww rice pud
T chick pea dhal and brown rice (though this is not a typicla tea its a social event)
Are you following a particular low carb plan?

What is your daily carbohydrate level?

Depending on the fruit and yoghurt this could be quite high - low fat yog is full of sugar and fillers like starch,

The bruschetta is bread so high in carbs again

As is the brown rice and rice pud, even dahls are quite carby for the earlier stages.

I try to aim for 20g of carbohydrate a day

You look as if you are iver 100g of carbs there already.

Could you try and enter you known food intake into something like food focus.co.uk to give you a bette idea of how much carbs you are taking in?
B - 1 sausage, egg and a bit of cheddar
L - Chickem breast salad
D - Dunno as out working, will prob wait until home.

B. Coffee Atkins bar
L. Chicken salad

feel flat as armpits today : O ( No get up and go. Knocked myself out of Ketosis last night. I eat far too many low carb goodies because I was bored and didnt feel too chipper. What a silly thing to do. I wanted rock cake really which some1 eat and didnt share with the Baby or woofy : o ( lol

Back to being a good woof so should take long to get back into the magic *K*

Lub you all

Woofy X
awww woof hope you feel your old self soon,
i had no brekkie but had brunch lol

two slices bacon, 1 tomato, 1 frankfurter

tea time i dont know, probably sausages from aldi and mashed celeriac
B- cheesey scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, coffee 2g
L- something with veg
T- salmon with veg (cauliflower and Brocolli as fridge still full of the stuff lol)
Just seen your message from earlier Woofy. Hope you are feeling more cheerfull now! Have you been out for your size 12 jeans??? We need pictures.

b: Exante shake
l: Exante soup - just had it, veg - yum!
d: Chicken and veg curry I think, unless I am feeling lazy and then it will be grilled chicken and steamed veg.
B - bacon & egg with coffee

L - chicken salad

D - chilli & veg

Snack - cheese, jelly
hey all ,
brekki; 2 boiled duck eggs

lunch ; crab and prawn mayo salad

snack ; raging hunger this afternoon so pigged a bit :0( had a pickled egg , small piece of port salut cheese and some chicken when i was pulling meat of the bones (not youre scene dtt:0))for the curry. was famished so not that hungry come dinner time :eek:)

dinner ;made red thai curry with left over chicken and baby corn. had small bowl.

made woofs mushroom soup aswell for the fridge looking forward to having some tomorrow x
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I made eggs benedict this morning - and I'm so chuffed because I made hollandaise sauce from scratch and it didn't curdle! It was delicious, even if I say so myself! :D
not much really , i think they just taste richer somehow , i love em , when i can find them :0)