What are we eating today?

Kids are always picking things up Sukie, when ours were still at school we get getting all sorts of colds and bugs and stuff.
<<<< Has been a bad woof and I just dont care!!!!

I eat in 0.34 seconds a 85g bar of choccy last night BECAUSE I COULD!!! It was low carb but its not the point as I was greedy!! TUT

Havent been in Ketosis for a while now and cant get back in for what ever reason... Might be too many nuts? But again Im in the frame of mind, "I DONT CARE" But the thing is, I WANT TO CARE!!!!

B. Coffee nuts
L. Dunno
D. Dunno

Lost me VOOOM VOOOM Has any 1 seen that and my sparkle, plz?

Grumpy Woofy X

Oh. ps. {{{{{snuggles}}}} For Sukies little Princess. Its horrible when they are sick : o ( x x x
no nuts on induction woofy love.
Im not still in it, am I? Been doing it for 6/7 weeks now? Havent I?
So what am I doing then? lol

Woofy X
LOL, I stayed on induction for 6 months woofy love. I had a lot to lose though.
Ive 13.5 pounds to move. Is that classed as alot on Atkins?

So, what am I doin or not doing as it seems. lol


Woofy X
<<<< Has been a bad woof and I just dont care!!!!

I eat in 0.34 seconds a 85g bar of choccy last night BECAUSE I COULD!!! It was low carb but its not the point as I was greedy!! TUT

Havent been in Ketosis for a while now and cant get back in for what ever reason... Might be too many nuts? But again Im in the frame of mind, "I DONT CARE" But the thing is, I WANT TO CARE!!!!

B. Coffee nuts
L. Dunno
D. Dunno

Lost me VOOOM VOOOM Has any 1 seen that and my sparkle, plz?

Grumpy Woofy X

Oh. ps. {{{{{snuggles}}}} For Sukies little Princess. Its horrible when they are sick : o ( x x x

Hey Woofy, put the chockie behind you. What's done is done.

As for your vavavoom, well I seem to recall you offering it for sale a few weeks back, so come on, how much
did you get for it??????

Would nuts affect ketosis?
under a stone, no I wouldn't call that much on Atkins woofy.
Hey Woofy, put the chockie behind you. What's done is done.

As for your vavavoom, well I seem to recall you offering it for sale a few weeks back, so come on, how much
did you get for it??????

Would nuts affect ketosis?

Me Mojo...lol Yes, tried to sell it but then I lost it... DOH!!!

I want to be in KE-BLOODY-TOSIS...I wonder if I can buy that on ebay.....

Ive put the choccy behind me alrite, on my bum .... lol

Just feel flat and lost my way ......

Woofy X
Ive 13.5 pounds to move. Is that classed as alot on Atkins?

Noooo a stone is very doable and pretty fast too on Atkins as far as I recall...

Today I am eating the usual three protein shakes, drank a whopping big black coffee with lotsa whipped cream on top mmmm...some, make that quite a bit, dark toblerone and part of a packet of sunbites (daughter refused to eat them!)...feeling a little thirsty now, off to drink more water!
Me Mojo...lol Yes, tried to sell it but then I lost it... DOH!!!

I want to be in KE-BLOODY-TOSIS...I wonder if I can buy that on ebay.....

Ive put the choccy behind me alrite, on my bum .... lol

Just feel flat and lost my way ......

Woofy X

What about doing a few days on induction foods only to get you back into ketosis? Or lots of exercise on the wii fit?
Aw what's happening on here? Woofy chin up girly. You haven't got that far to go hun and you will soon get there. You normally cheer everyone up on here. I am sure your vavavoon will come back soon.
It is just peeking around the corner waiting for you to get it.:)

Sukie I hope your daughter is better hun. Bless her little heart.

F.A.R. Sorry you are feeling ill, get well soon.

Sherby xx
thanks sherby and every one else :0)
bella is feeling much better , back in bed snoring her head off :0)
morning all.

brekki; hot choc shake (no appetite )

lunch ; mushroom soup and sprinach , cucumber and 2 small tomotoes with tuna/cheese mayo

dinner ;cheesy scrambles eggs, left over cold sausage and steak
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Good Morning.

B: 8Oz rump steak, 2 fried eggs and fried onions.
L: Jenny's Cafe.
D: Meatloaf and baby broccoli.

Jim, your brekkie sounds like heaven!

B: Exante shake - banana again as it's my favourite
L: Exante soup - mushroom today I think
D: Grilled chicken, steam cabbage and grilled courgette.
**Mornings lubbers**

B. Coffee and nuts
L. Bar
D. Beef woofy

Like sukie, dont feel hungry at all, Just tired. These clocks changing have reallt thrown me, any1 else?

Woofy X
B- Egg and bacon
L- Tuna and Salad
T- Brocolli, Cauliflower and something