HExA - I'm going to half and half - have had about two splashes of milk in my tea (skimmed - approx 150ml) and I'm going to have a light dairylea cheese slice
HExB - salted caramel hifi bar (absolutely worth it)
Tell me to butt out here if you wish Beckie - My consultant always used to say you cant split your hex's like that for milk and cheese - its fine to do it with your full cheese allowance or your bread/hi fi bars etc ie one in the morning one at night, half cheese in am and half pm . It could reflect on your weightlosses
Just trying to help chick x
Any help is appreciated thanks I'm still quite new to this lol I didn't know it wasn't best to split HExA so thanks think I find milk my issue as I want to have milk most days in a cup of tea but never make the 350ml of skimmed. I'm going to do it with HExB next week I think but this week I got full fat hifi bars and got too addicted to salted caramel x
Do you have cereal? you could use some on cereal and some in your teas. Ive been using mine lately on cheese on my salads as I dont drink a lot of tea. My hexb is usually cereal or 2 wholemeal 400g size.
I have a little bit but always feel 35g isn't enough and would rather have a nicer HExB. I usually have poached eggs on toast and beans for breakfast. I could always have cereal and syn the hifi bars though. I've found the last few days I've not really been having many syns x
A: Feta Cheese
A : ?
B: 2 x Honeymonster Stix Chocolate
B: 1 x Alpen Light Double chocolate and a Honeymonster Stix Chocolate