What are you using your Healthy Extra's for today..?

A - skimmed milk
B - mint choc hifi bar
Extra Easy

250ml semi skimmed milk
HExB: 2 x Weetabix
HExA: 250ml Semi-skimmed milk
HExB: 2 Weetabix

When I don't use my healthy extras for breakfast I really struggle to fit them in.
HExA - 2x lighter cheese slices
HExB - 2x aldi benefit bars (recently learnt these are no longer on SWs cereal bar list but trying to use them up)
I've only been on the plan for a week and I keep forgetting to eat my HEXs....I've got magic porridge soaking in the fridge at the moment though for tomorrow's HexB so just need to sort my HexA out - chunk of cheese probably lol
HEA Skimmed milk (It's this every day, I LOVE my cuppas!)
HEB x2 Alpen light bars (Old ones)

Just had to remind myself to have my B's.. Almost forgot!
A - going to have 35g lighter halloumi with my tea
B - 2x rocky road hifi - had one already, going to have the other later :)
Extra Easy

HExA: 350ml skimmed milk
HExB: 60g wholemeal roll
A - feta cheese
B - Christmas pudding hifi bar
Extra Easy

350ml skimmed milk
HExB 30g porridge oats
Extra Easy

45g Mozzarella
HExB: 1 x peanut heaven HiFi
Extra Easy

350ml skimmed milk
HExB: 1 x Special K Milk Chocolate Chewy Delight
Extra Easy

30g Red Leicester
HExB: 1 x salted caramel HiFi
Extra Easy

350ml skimmed milk
HExB: 1 x Special K Milk Chocolate chewy delight
Extra Easy

30g Red Leicester
HExB: 1 x salted caramel HiFi

so jealous of the hifi, my group had ran out last week :cry: they are amazing!

HExA -35g lighter halloumi
HExB - ​going to have a Christmas pudding hifi later on