What do you want for Christmas?


Gold Member
Do you ask for specific presents or drop big hints. We put a list on our fridge of all the things we want. Then we buy things off the list for the others.
Already on my list are Jamie Olivers Superfood book and Zumba for the Wii Fit. I think Hugh Fearnlly Whithinstall has a new book out too so must add that to the list. My list is normally a bit bigger as my birthday follows not too long after and it gives them ideas for that too. But this year is the big birthday so need to think bigger.
I need to put about 8 ideas on the Xmas list so need to think of another 5. Any suggestions? The lists used to be full of box sets of DVDs but downloads and Netflix seem to have ended that

What do you want to.find under the tree
After the recent storms a leaf blower has been added to my list