Had Magic Porridge for the first time. It was very nice. Definately a keeper. I used Vanilla Mullerlite with dark chocolate and threw a couple of grapes in the bowl. Oh and a banana Scrummy yummy filled my tummy!!
That's why I tried it...too curious! I didn't cook the oats... Last night I weighed out 35gs of porridge oats into a breakfast bowl, poured in a mullerlite yogurt, mixed it up, covered it with cling film and popped it in the fridge. I had it cold for breakfast this morning but you can heat it or apparently you can make pancakes out of the mixture...this I am going to try tomorrow
Give it a go...nice way of getting your HeB
No need to cook the oats first, just let the yogurt do its magic over night. I throw in some frozen berries and give it a good mix in the morning and eat it cold. I have not tried heating it in the microwave so don't know if the yogurt will split. You can make pancakes from the oat mixture but if cooking with the fruit remember to syn the cooked fruit.
pineapple, apple and banana with a mullerlight (had to force myself to eat it though) don't know my plan for the rest of the day but can see it being small meals today