It's a recipe I posted ages's so easy to make

Here's the recipe:
Chicken and Sweetcorn soup (Serves 4)
1 bunch of spring onions sliced
Frylight to fry off the spring onions
14oz (400g) can of creamed sweetcorn
4 oz frozen sweetcorn (tinned is fine though)
6oz cooked chicken meat
1+1/4 pints of chicken stock
1 egg, beaten
1. Fry spring onions for 30 seconds
2. Add creamed and frozen sweetcorn, chicken and stock
3. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 5 minutes
4. Bring almost to the boil, add beaten egg slowly, while gently stirring soup to form egg threads
5. Cook until the egg has set - do not boil
Syn free soup on EE, or could use chicken as a HexB on Green, and almost as good as chicken and sweetcorn soup from the Chinese!