whats for lunch

a big plate of salad, pickled onions and SW quiche....first meal back on SW and i forgot how blinking wonderful it is :)
Just had a massive salad with homemade cheese coleslaw (HExA & 1 syn) and a tin of mackerel in tomato sauce

It was sooooo nice! Think my love of fruit & veg is back thankfully :D
Mussell salad for me


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it was supposed to be a tin of beans and a couple of plums, but I forgot the tin opener so it ended up as a packet of salt and vinegar crisps ( 6.5 syns :( ) and a couple of plums.. :(
2 slices of of 400g wholemeal toast with 42g reduced chedder cheese & some very chunky minestone soup (it was like stew!)
I find lunch the hardest meal of the day to plan. Need to take it with me, the only facility is a kettle and a fridge. Tend to take pasta or rice salads, these are getting boring now.
can you not ask them to provide a microwave??? you can get a cheap one for about £35 these days.. a worthwhile investment yourself maybe??
or buy a cheap toaster and use "toasta bags" to heat stuff.. you can do beans in them apparently too..
ColJack said:
can you not ask them to provide a microwave??? you can get a cheap one for about £35 these days.. a worthwhile investment yourself maybe??
or buy a cheap toaster and use "toasta bags" to heat stuff.. you can do beans in them apparently too..

We offered to buy a microwave but they would not let us, don't want us cooking in the office. A toaster is something to think about. I have got a food flask but find that the food is only luke warm by the time I get to eat. I've got a camping stove will have to put it in the boot of the car. See what they say about that !!!
Well I was going to have a leftover HM beefburger with some salad from the canteen, but I was so hungry this morning I ate it with my toast :oops:
So I’ll have to just have salad :(
I had boiled egg salad followed by a muller and a banana.
Its weigh-in day and I'm still hungry.
Does anyone else feel really miserable and nervous on WI day?
B xxx