I am dieting MAINLY for my self, mi self confidence has plummeted since ive gained the weight, i had a bad past two years but now im back on track and ready to be the confident bubbly person i once was. I just want to back to the weight i was before i took that bloody medication. but why im doing it now is because i want to look my best for my boyf.... i know he loves me the way i am and wud love me no matter wat size i was. but i want to be the girlf that his friends are jealous about not having
i want him to be able to show me off(i also have to compete with all his SUPER SKINNY girl mates
) and thn i also want the attention i used to get where ppl said"ur so skinny, i wish i looked like that" etc.... and then last of all im doing it to get my parents off my back.... everytime i eat they give out to me saying if im not careful il get as big as a house.... even if i havent eaten much that day.... but when i get back to a healthy weight they wont be able to give out to me for eating( but i know my dad will give out to me for not eating then, hes a horrible control freak and is never happy with wat i do.... especialy wen it comes to eating food.) I also gained my weight so quickly(4stone in a year) that i was on the verge of diabetes, so health reasons is another reason.... anyway il stop blabbering....
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