Who are you dieting for?

It will all fall into place.................

I decided to lose weight to improve my health.Kept getting bronchitis,chest infections, pneumonia. Was also aware I was high risk for Diabetes2, blood pressure was a bit on the high side, energy was low.Also has Plantar Faciitis (policeman's foot!).
Now I've reached goal - Health improved 100%****************
everything else too.....................
self esteem restored.
I can wear what I like, buy bargains in "real" shops. No more Evans for me, but i was glad it was there at the time.
Hello to bright colours, high heels, boots.
Relationship - so much improved.
Energy - restored.
Job - about to change.
Friendships -re-evaluated. No more being the FAT FRIEND.
Complete new outlook. I think i'm a nicer person to know because i'm not hurting and angry on the inside even though people tell ne they never knew!
What good actors we become, don't we?
I than LL for giving me my life back. I really thought I'd had it and used to only look backwards not forwards. I realise now I had somehow put it on hold and was hiding behind the fat.
Bring it on.............................
I can uunderstand what the muslim ladies are saying. There is no hiding place behind a Burka or Chadoor just as you can't hide behind the fat.
Go girls - (and boys) do it for YOU.
The rest will follow.
Good luck everyone xxxx
I initially dieted for silly, superficial reasons. Although I had a long term goal of wanting to join the RAF in a few years, that wasn't the reason I was focusing on. Now, though, I've realsied that my initial reasons were not enough to motivate me. I am going to lose weight mostly so that I can get my dream job. Having people compliment on my weight loss, though, has been a bonus.
My main reason for losing weight is to be fitter and more healthy for my daughter. I don't want to be O's fat mummy anymore!
Also I would love to get some male attention ;) I've been having a bit of a secret thing with a toyboy who maybe would go public if i was slimmer!? Stupid eh lol
I want to do it cos I hate myself and feel disgusted when I look at myself and I would like to know what it feels like to like yourself
I want to do it cos I hate myself and feel disgusted when I look at myself and I would like to know what it feels like to like yourself

That is the exactly the same reason I'm dieting, thanks for your honesty Daisybank

You need to work on liking yourself as you are - I've been slim but cos I still hated myself it didn't make me feel any better and I couldn't maintain my weight. Until I was in my mid-20s I honestly thought that I could never be happy unless I was thin (and I mean thin, like Kate Moss type thin).
I had a bit of a drink problem and had to work on that - it has made me learn to accept myself as I am, which is a much easier platform to improve yourself from.
It's not easy to change years of negative thinking, but your weight doesn't say anything about you as a person, how kind, funny, hardworking, whatever you might be - you are still a friend, colleague, mum, wife, sister, daughter, whatever, and you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness by everyone, starting with yourself!
Society puts so much pressure on us and is so cruel about anyone with more than a couple of pounds of flab, it's easy to lose sight of what really matters in life.
An exercise that helped me was to imagine that nobody has bodies, everyone is a mind inside a balloon. What would you want to change about your life? What would your ambitions be? It can help to work out who you really are and what you want without all the negative thoughts about your looks getting in the way.
I just feel really strongly that nobody should hate themselves because of their weight, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy or slim but you shouldn't feel that you are not worth valuing just as you are.

I really hope this doesn't come across as patronising cos that isn't how it's meant, I wish I could get back all the time I spent hating myself for being fat and use it productively, and I don't want anyone else to waste another second on something so unimportant* either.

*I'm not saying that it's unimportant if your weight is causing you health problems, but it doesn't make you a bad person.
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I'm dieting for myself, my son and my partner.

Since I started gaining weight about 4 years ago my confidence has been chipped away at to the point where now I have hardly any left. Add this to being diagnosed with PND late 2007 and the person I am today is a shaddow of her former happy, fun loving and vibrant person.

My relationship with my partner has suffered as I believe he shouldn't find me attractive and I shy away from him. I continuously wonder what he sees in me and why he would stay even though he is loving and reassures me all the time.

My partner and little boy deserve to be around someone who is at the very least happy and although my weight is only a factor of that it's one I can work on changing now!

Since starting slimming world I have felt better. The awful mood swings are less frequent and the first time in 15 months I can see me coming off my medication for the pnd sometimes soon.

Now I've lost half a stone, friends (also doing slimming world) have said they've noticed a change, not only in my apparently thinner face (I can't see it!) but in the way I'm behaving a little more confidently. I just managed a weekend away in Dublin and had the confidence to wear the new clothes I bought (might have something to do with only taking hand luggage and not having the choice though!)

This afternoon I have decided that I am dieting so I can get husband number 2...

That is a joke (kind of anyway....) lol!

well im dieting for myself and for my children. i have a whole wardrobe of clothes in a size 10 and none of them fit as i have creapt upto a 16. im a single parent of 4 children therefore my children need me to be around and i want to be as healthy as i can so that i am here to see them all grow up and old.

when im slim i have loads of self confidence and im happy with a never ending amount of energy and enthusiasim.

for im doing it for me and my children
I am dieting for me and for my family. Both my parents are big and most of my family has had or got something wrong with them that could be related to being too heavy.
I decided when my doctor put me on tablets for my blood pressure that I would do something about it. I don't want my son to remember me big and unable to roll around on the floor and play with him.
And, of course I am doing it for my husband. I want him to be with the best version of me I can be.
reading these post have made me think about why i am dieting.. i thought it was because i wanted to lose it for me.. but the more i think about it it is actually for approval from others, i split with my partner 1 year ago because i had low self esteem and stopped loving myself therefore he stopped loving me, from then on i have become use to myself looking the way i do and am generally happy now

i would still like to lose weight but have struggled to do so, and now am thinking this maybe because i am not doing it for myself so am not mentally ready..?
I am dieting for myself
I am dieting for the me I feel I've never been
Im dieting to finally look better than people I know(yeah yeah secret meanie in me)
I am dieting so that I can go out and get people to want to talk to me (yeah yeah I know Im getting married but it would be nice to know other people would but cant have lol)
I am dieting because I always am.... but this time I am successfully dieting.... Ive not given up this time
This time is different!!!
My mum was always big, bless her, and she had trouble with her knees, blood pressure etc. I don't want to go down the same road and I've noticed the pain in my knees I was getting has gone, in fact my osteoarthiritis as a whole is much easier. So besides looking better, I'm doing it mainly for my health and hopefully to live a longer and healthier life (what's left of it anyway!)
For me, it was for an operation. I have inherited big boobs from my mothers side of the family, .. and about 5 years ago my mum got her's reduced and has never bin happier. I went to the doctors and he said i had to lose weight to get on the list. I was a 38 GG at the time i started slimming world. Since loosing my weight i have only managed to get down o a 34 FF naturally.. which is still quite big, but since loosing weight, i'v realised that although at the time i was desperatly un-happy with my boobs.. really it was my self esteem and the way people treated me because of them ( mainly men) that got me so down.. oh and not being able to find pretty bras in store for less than £40!! ... but now im smaller all over.. i am no longer on the waiting list and am much happier. I would never concider the surgery now.

Both. I do feel unhappy sometimes with my weight, especially when clothes shopping with friends :(

But another part of me wants to lose it because I feel it has some sort of connection with finding love ( i know that sounds so stupid) but slim friends all loved up - me, no-one lol. and also to show the bullies from my past a thing or two!!!
I'm dieting for me.
I'm in a depression and I have social anxiety and has been for two years now. When I look at myself in the mirror for longer than 1-2 minutes I start crying and hate myself for what I look like. Why am I doing this to myself?
I want to be able to look in the mirror and think "I'm not that bad after all. I look alright." or even. "I look good."
I want to be proud of what I am, not ashamed. The fact that I'm ashamed of myself results in me not being able to be social which makes my mental state even worse.

Of course, I can't deny that I would love for other people to see me as slim but that's not number one anymore.
For me - i want to live to over 100 to get my own back on my kids!!!!!
I’m so relieved to have found this thread… I don’t want to carry on pretending everything is ok in my life anymore!
My weight gain has ruined my relationship with my partner.

A little over a year ago I began to notice things were changing between us, we were drifting apart and it was all down to my self loathing. I stopped being the fun person I once was and became very withdrawn, it has now got to the point where I’m too ashamed to go out with my partner.

We don’t have a sexual relationship anymore and he has admitted he doesn’t find me attractive after gaining so much weight. He says it’s much more than the weight issue but also my lack of confidence and low self esteem which has turned him off.

For the first 4 years he would look at me and tell me I was beautiful… I long to hear him say those words again!

We have both cried many times when we talk about how we used to be and how we are now.
I know it must seem that he is a shallow man but I admire his honesty as some men would have either left or strayed.

We both want the same thing…. The old Clare to come back!
So I guess I’m doing it for myself but also for the man I love.