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Me. Fasting with a slight hangover is haaarrrrrd!
I'm sure it'll be gone by tomorrow Smamfa.
I'm fasting today. Possibly not the best choice of days especially as i'm going for my scan in the next hour so will have to stop drinking water as i don't want to be sat in the scan desperate for the loo!
How has it gone?
Still 9.2 todaywhy!!! I'm going to have to up the water and a bit of exercise I think.
Am I doing this right - I'm eating my dinner at say 9pm and then having nothing at all (other than milk in tea) until 9pm the following day when I have my dinner. I do that twice a week
I don't quite get you, are you doing a 24 hour fast? I think one of your days should be lower cal, ie. 9pm dinner on the second day no more than 500 cals. So the 'fast' with one small meal is actually nearer 36 hours. I have to do alternate days to get results (combined with exercise) so you could try doing 3 days instead of 2?
The dinner on the second day is about 400 cals - might try 4.3
Is it because you don't have much to lose? Are you eating enough on your UDs? How much water are you drinking. 4:3 might help. Try it and see.
No not much about 7lb really - I'm being good and following the rules - but don't drink water (but have in this heat!!)
I never used to drink a lot of water, even when i was dying of thirst i'd reach for a Coke Zero rather than water! Now i try to ensure i drink at least 2litres a day. I have an app for my phone that reminds me so many times a day to drink water and it also reckons it can work out how much you need to drink for your body weight. Handy to have but very embarrassing when the reminder tone goes off as it sounds like very loud running water!