Start Weight:14St 13Ibs
Goal Loss: 18Ibs
Goal Weight:13St 9Ibs
Weight Loss to date: Week1: 7Ibs Week2: 3lbs Week3:2lbsWeek4: Week5: Week6: Final Week:
Hi everyone
Been really busy but still sticking to SS. I went to my WI friday and the scales showed a -7lbs difference to my scales but just in case its a fluke. I'm sticking to my scales
Start Weight:14St 13Ibs
Goal Loss: 18Ibs
Goal Weight:13St 9Ibs
Weight Loss to date: Week1: 7Ibs Week2: 3lbs Week3:2lbsWeek4: Week5: Week6: Final Week:
Hi everyone
Been really busy but still sticking to SS. I went to my WI friday and the scales showed a -7lbs difference to my scales but just in case its a fluke. I'm sticking to my scales