great thread julie!
my reasons;-
I wasn't always a fattie, I used to be slim and toned. I was actually very happy with my weight for some years. And then I met my fiance, Craig, where I became very comfortable and let my self go...
Now, I just want to get it back. I hate the way fat people are treated differently... in shops, restaurants, walking down the street, in the gym, swimming pool wherever...
I managed to loose a decent amount of weight about 2years ago and the bitchy girls in the office where I worked started saying "ooh, thats a nice top Lacey, where did u get it?" and "hi Lacey, do you wonna come out on Saturday night??" and I'd be like, "er, I've this top ages, how come u didn't notice it before??" And "thanks for the invite to skinny girls club night out but how come I wasn't invited when i was a fatty??"
I'd been working there 6months before I lost any weight, and not once had a girl passed a compliment on my clothes and certainly not invited me out on a night out..
Anyway basically I just want to be slim, healthy and not be addicted to fatty, sugary foods and just be happy.
I dont want my weight to get in the way of me leading my life anymore.
Thanks julie for the great thread (again!!)