Why are we doing this?

Have you ever been out on a night out with skinny mates, and have to suffer being ignored all night but the flow of men that keep aproaching to chat to your mates and blatently block you out!!?
yes all my friends are size eight ten and i am the fat funny one who sits in the corner slagging myself off to make them all laugh and i can't even look at guys too embarrassed of myself
My best m8 at uni was tall, blonde, beautiful and massive breasts lol EVERY bloke wanted her. I felt like a rite heffer next to her especially in the summer wen she had her short skirts on!!!But she was very supportive and a gr8 mate. Ur rite Keira, men like that aint worth it.
God yes!!!!
It's horrible isn't it? Never mind hun we will soon be the ones attracting the fellas! The nice ones - not the rejects lol.xx
i hope so i am going to a wedding the end of feb and i wont have seen anyone since i started this till then kind of hibernating i would love to be lighter out of the eighteens and in a fourteen just for me it would be great
Jaydee30, you sound just like me!
I m always 'your funny mate'....never the fanciable mate. Just because I'm big society dictates that i cannot be attractive. It sucks:sigh:
Also i want to be slim so i get cruel remarks thrown at me in the street. One lad (bout 16-17 yrs old) called me a "fat cow" in the middle of the town centre. Must admit it broke me and needless to say it didnt do much for my self esteem!!!

Its easy to say ignore these idiots, but its not easy to do it. I've not been called fat by strangers, but little comments by family really hurt (NEVER MY HUSBAND....he's never commented about my weight gain and is supportive whether I'm fat or thin...love him!!). We'd go out on a night out and my sister in law whose just had a baby would be there and my mum would make comments like.....doesn't she look fabulous and she's just had a baby or look how slim she looks, doesn't she make you sick or she'd look at a photo of me at my brothers wedding and say....."look how slim you were then". My brother would make little digs 'as a laugh'. These comments as a once off wouldnt bother, but they were all the time. I know they'd be really upset if they thought they had upset me, but I knew I was over weight and didn't need people mentioning it all the time.
Yeah, my family are the worst. I dread family parties as they all give me advise on how to lose weight, and whatever diet i am on, its never the right one! Its constant, and you get really fed up with it. I cant wait until i have lost the weight so i dont get any comments or advise anymore. Just complements! Hopefully!!
To not worry about wriggling through tight spaces. To be able to shop anywhere for clothes. To feel flexible and strong. To not have to have allowances made for me becuase of my weight.

To be really living my life to the full - instead if just living it!
To delay/avoid the onset of diabetes

To avoid having to pay for a hoist to get me out of my beloved bath

To be able to wear hold-ups that don't act as tourniquets on my thighs

To make my kids proud of me
Someone has given me a lovely reputation comment on this thread. I've no idea how I find out who it is, but thank you very much. I do have a lovely husband and with regards to being slim.......I'm getting there, but still a way to go.

Thanks again.....mystery person. I've not been called slim and beautiful for years and years :D (even from my hubby....typical man, he's rubbish at compliments, but like I said earlier, he has never called me fat or even hinted for me to lose weight so I suppose I cannot be too upset he doesn't make comments now).
Because I have the hots for someone, hopefully a slimmer me might do the trick wink, wink, nudge, nudge, ya know what I mean hey hey;)
Nearly forgot, even if she says no, they will be queueing up for me :D
To not turn the water in the shower to boiling hot so that the shower screen mists up incase my BF comes in..................
I can so relate to that lightlifeclaire bout the plane seat. As i fly quite often, i always get weird look from the air crew. Also most embarrassin mo was wen i went to thorpe park this summer. Sat in the train for collsseus and had to get off cuz the restraint didnt fit. My bf was nxt to me.I was mortified!!! Even qued for 1 hr. Wot a waste.

I can assure you the worse thing is when you get on a plane and struggle to do the seatbelt up... thinking nobodies watching u struggle to push the connecters together... Only to have 'miss-im-so-slim-air-hostess-*****-woman' bend over the back of the seat and go "don't worry, I can see you're having a problem there... we have extensions for those people who don't fit in a regular seat"

WWWWWOOOOOOOOAAAHHHH :eek::eek::eek: "Well ... errrrm... thanks"

Yes this happened to me :rolleyes: