Why are we doing this?

I can just fit in an aeroplane seat (albeit slightly too intimately with the armrests for my liking) but about 14 months ago Neil and I went to Blackpool. They had a monorail which Neil wanted to go on and although I wasn't overly keen I thought he might be quiet if I went on one ride (and it seemed the tamest). They had individual moulded plastic seats and my bum didn't fit! :eek: I finally managed to wedge part of me in in a half lying half sitting type pose with my legs bent under so the man could get the bar down (using all of his weight and muttering that it wasn't going to work). Then the bloody thing leant over to my side all the way round and I was convinced we were going to die - especially as it went parallel to the main road. There was a queue when the ride finished so I had spectators as I tried to prise myself out and unfold myself in the most ladylike way possible. I have never been so mortified in my entire life. I cried for weeks (and probably ate lots of crisps and biscuits to make myself feel better!) and finally admitted about a year later to Neil (the night before our flight toParis because I was so scared I wouldn't fit in the plane seat!) what a horrible event it had been. He said the seats were on the small side anyway - but I know I have a jolly big behind (for the moment anyway). :(

Anyway, this year I have decided I am going to see the Illuminations again and this time I will ride on that monorail with ease and no shame at all. :p :D
Aw Julie, stuff like that's happened to us all! It's horrible isn't it?? What a sweety neil must be to say they were on the small side anyway!
I've yet to meet a bloke I can be that honest with, sad isn't it?? it's not that I'm DIShonest, just not honest about how I feel about my weight:(
You'll be soooo thrilled when you slide into the seat with ease!!