Why are you losing weight?

I want to feel like ME again - I dont want to be ashamed of myself. I want to not hide away, and I want to feel , just, beautiful. :)
I used to be really confident, but then I gained a lot of weight and kinda lost it. I want it back, I want to feel comfortable in my own body, feel beautiful and happy. Also it was a bit of a wake up call when my dad had a light stroke a couple of years ago... Luckily he recovered fully and lost 2 stones after it (he was never overweight in any sense, just a bit chubby), and I figured I should get to normal weight too since heart problems seem to run in the family.
I've been overweight for the past 10 years, and it's only been getting worse each year. It's reached the point where I can't stand to see myself in the mirror, have no motivation to wear nice clothes and have a hard time finding any that fit when I do.

Last year I didn't quite reach my goal, but I was nearly there. It felt great! I was healthier, more confident and happier.

I'm looking forward to getting there again :)
Im losing weight because OH and I have been trying for a baby for 16 months with no luck. I have pcos too. Im hoping losing weight will help us conceive but at least if it doesnt Ill be at the right weight for treatment. Ive wanted a baby for 10 years and Im not prepared to let my weight stop me!
We're also getting married in March 2014 and its my second marriage. My first wedding dress was a size 18. This one wont be.
Finally Im doing it for confidence and to buy the clothes I like. Im not an unconfident person face to face but struggle to go shopping by myself. When I was a size 12 I LOVED shopping and Im gonna love it again soon. Just over 3 stone to go....

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It's interesting to read people's different motivations for losing weight. I was very much promted (this time round) by the photos of me at my 40th birthday - was not a good look - by joining WW I have a fab leader and I am very much in the zone at the moment. I have lost 24lbs in the last 9 weeks and see getting to goal as merely the first part of the journey. The second part of the journey will be maintaining (which I think may be more challenging as I have never been at that point before). I like setting smaller goals as it seems more achievable than looking at one large goal - (in my case losing 4stone) I think when I have lost more than I need to lose that will also be a good time to celebrate!
Um because I'm fat and I don't really like it? Lol I don't really care what other people think of me so I have no real motivation to lose the flab other than I know it's bad for me to be a big wobbly chunk :)
So many reasons! My best friend gets married in June and I want to wear something nice, my brother in law gets married in September and again I want to wear something nice. We've got 2 weeks in Mexico booked in August and I don't want to have to hide away under kaftans the whole time. I'm 30 in September and I don't want to be fat then!

yes I want to lose weight because of the health aspects but I'm pretty shallow and I just want to look nice and feel better about myself! I don't want to be the fattest mum at the school gates or struggle to buy something nice to wear on a night out.
Initially, I thought it was for my holidays, but deep down I'm just ready to change. I want that healthy energy back; I'm ready to wear nice clothes and stop hiding away. i want to level out my moods and feel in control :)
A few reasons really. I started when I came back from Kenya, i lost a lot out there mainly from forgetting to eat and eating considerably less. I continued eating carefully and exercising lots and it was great. My dad had a heart transplant though 11 weeks ago and I comfort ate but now I feel crap and that's pushed me to lose weight again and think more a bit my heart and body. This forum is fab. At home I find it so much harder to lose weight. At uni it was easy because my rugby friends always looked so fab it pushed me to keep up with them.
The main reason is because I'm trying for a baby and it's really not working.

But there are then a million and one other reasons why I'd like to lose weight. They range from health reasons, to wanting to feel better about myself and of course to look good and be able to wear nice clothes.
I am trying to lose weight for myself, but also for my family.. I have missed lots of holiday and wonderful days out with my family due to my size... But this is changing.. and never again will i hide, nor need to.. x
I'm doing this to feel more comfortable with myself. I gained 3st after a bad relationship a few years ago, lost the weight through diet and exercise but my body hasn't been the same since and it has affected my confidence. I quit smoking recently, and moved in with my partner - a recipe for weight gain! I've put on 23lb since Matt and I met - my goal is to be back to that size. Although I still have a 'healthy' BMI just now and do not have a great deal of weight to lose, it's more about how I feel than numbers.
I'm fed up of thinking that people are looking at me and judging me. I'd like to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin, whether that means I weigh just a little bit less than I do now or whether I loose a lot i'm not massively bothered as long as I feel happy and don't feel like people judge me whenever I eat something x
Obviously vainity comes into it. I am approaching 30s and I want to be a mother at some point and a mother who is still alive when her children grow up. But the big shock was getting cancer. I beat it and recently sadly it came back. I want to beat it but I owe it to myself to not let the cancer or my weight kill me. The same reason I stopped my light social smoking when I was first diagnosed because I owe it to myself not to let something else get me. I think that was the motivation I needed to keep at it. It is hard especially when I have having treatments which encourage weight gain and I am very ill sometimes on the side effects but I have managed this far.

And all the little things like not having plus size clothing, not worrying if my weight will affect this or that.
I am losing weight because I want to love my body again and feel confident when I step outside of the house. I have a new partner and I want to feel sexy naked! Bring it on! I want to be happy and healthy.
I'm losing weight for me. I've dieted before with all the reasons under the sun but never sustained it. I don't know what is different this time but I just have so much more motivation and in a way I'm now at peace with myself. This just seems to have put my head in the right place to make this possible.
I want to lose weight for me too, I want to be healthy and do the things I want to do without feeling self conscious about my weight. I want to be how I was before the **** hit the fan, trauma and illness suck, now I'm doing better and I want to show it.
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