Why are you losing weight?

Maybe you have a special occasion coming up... Or a holiday
Perhaps you just can't stand being the size you are any more, you have health problems or you doing it to stave off health problems.

Personally I'm doing this for me since I put on the weight over 3 years ago I've wanted to get it off. I want to feel comfortable in myself be back to how I was before my eating got out of had and most of all I want to be in charge of my eating not bingeing controlling me :)

Lauren xX

I have always felt this way. Indeed, we should take care of our health seriously. If we think we are not healthy, today is the day to start to be one, not tomorrow. Weight loss cannot be achieved until we get serious about losing few kilos. I think we need to stop craving for unhealthy foods and start eating healthy foods. Working out on a regular basis is very important to shed weight in a healthier way. :)
My personal reason is that I'm getting married next year and don't want to feel unhappy about my size on the big day. We plan on trying for a baby pretty much straight away after the wedding so that is a big reason too
The point where I had to do something about my weight was when I went on a 2 1/2 hour walk for the first time in over 9 months with my dog and my legs rubbed together so much the skin peeled off, it then became infected and I was then laid up for 4 days waiting for it to heal.

I don't want it to ever happen again and I am not aiming to be a size 6, I am aiming to be about a 14-16 where I won't have so many issues because of my size.
I'm losing weight so I can feel healthy enough to try for a baby. I've left it far too long as it is and I just hope I get there before it's too late.

I'm trying to lose weight so I am comfortable with photographs, feel healthy, have more energy and be able to sit comfortably on a flight. There's more reasons but they are the main ones.
So many reasons. I suppose the final trigger was getting to a BMI that was officially obese, and realising that my health issues like dodgy knees, PCOS symptoms, and lack of energy were getting markedly worse. And realising I hadn't seen a photo of myself that I liked in several years, and couldn't fit into most of my nicer clothes.
I'm loosing weight because I don't want to be far and old. It's bad enough I'm getting old and will be 27 next year. Also it's healthier and I could wear nice clothes and feel more confidant.
Should of said fat.
katy lol i like the far and old lol lol
I am losing weight because:
- my boyfriend deserves it! He is gorgeous and always tells me i am beautiful although i know deep down he would love me to lose a little. He deserves a thinner girlfriend who looks good next to him! Sounds silly but he is my motivation!
-health. I get pains in my chest occasionally and although they may or may not be due to my weight, i fear having a heart attack. I want to avoid this!
- vanity. To look good in my clothes! Who doesnt want that? Everyone deserves to feel amazing about themselves!
- age. I am only twenty but feel years older and of you didnt see my face, you wouldnt believe my age. I am told by my mum that i have the body of a woman with three children :(
I'm losing weight because the body that I'm in doesn't feel like it belongs to me.

I don't look in the mirror and see someone that's morbidly obese... And that's what scares me! I don't like what I see but I don't think I'm THAT bad until I see photos of myself and I look gross.

I'm losing weight because I'm 20 years old and I weigh nearly 23 stone. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and am hoping for a proposal soon - if that happens, I don't want to be a fat bride :(
I want to have children in a few years time and when I do, I want to play with them...

I'm losing weight because I deserve to be happy :)
VerdePurdy , I feel like I'm stalking you... hahaha! You keep bumping old threads and I keep posting right after you. You're picking great threads, what can I say? :D

I'm losing weight because the body that I'm in doesn't feel like it belongs to me.

Same here! That, and, I just feel horrible all of the time. I have a lot of other health issues going on and the extra weight just exacerbates them.

I don't look in the mirror and see someone that's morbidly obese... And that's what scares me! I don't like what I see but I don't think I'm THAT bad until I see photos of myself and I look gross.

Same here. I think I've avoided mirrors and cameras over the past 2 years. I just look like a beast when I see myself. It's depressing.

I'm losing weight because I deserve to be happy :)

Best reason of all! Good luck to you! :)
VerdePurdy , I feel like I'm stalking you... hahaha! You keep bumping old threads and I keep posting right after you. You're picking great threads, what can I say? :D

Same here! That, and, I just feel horrible all of the time. I have a lot of other health issues going on and the extra weight just exacerbates them.

Same here. I think I've avoided mirrors and cameras over the past 2 years. I just look like a beast when I see myself. It's depressing.

Best reason of all! Good luck to you! :)

Haha! Stalk away ;) I'm new here so just picking things that I feel are relevant to my journey... Good luck to you too!

There are some great reasons in this thread and I can definitely relate to a good few. I'll be popping back to remind myself every so often :)
I am going to lose the weight simply because I finally feel like I deserve to.

Having been overweight for as long as I can remember it feels like I have missed out on so many things..not big things (although I missed out on a few of those too), the everyday things...

I have always wanted to go surfing, my best friends do but the swimsuit/wetsuitaphobia keeps me from it!

My ultimate dream is to finally drag my ass up onto a stage with my guitar and give it my all..and I WILL do it! (And do it in my size 10 jeans ;) )
Hey wee nurse, your goals look similar to mine! You have done so well already! Good for you. This year is about me too, and finally beating my dieting demons! X
It's time I released the last 20 lbs. been holding onto them since school (I put them on when I started getting bullied) and now it's time to let them go. Also I really want to rock a bikini body :)
I don't want to loose weight but rather it happen by mistake because often i suffer from illness and this thing is responsible for my weight loss...
I want to get my life back. Had enough of lugging this heavy weight about now and it's my time now to shine :)