WI - S

Hey Amber how's u ?? I'm good .. Been unwell n on antibiotics so few days break !! But back in diet today 1st day gone well.. How about u ? X

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I'm fine shini just had a few slips on the diet still struggling on my weight losses lol had a wi on Tuesday was still same 11.12 always bingeing on can't get out of the habit don't know how I'm going to stay focused plus iv got to be 11 stone before 15 feb
Hey guys hope ur both doing well!! I'm far from it just not been on diet inshallah plan is bak on diet tomorw solid til next Monday !! As I have a wedding to attend n meal !! So wil defo be good til then n try getting good !!! Amber y do u need to be 11, by da 15th feb?? Wots the occasion ? Lol!! Ooooh 786 pilot boyeeeee hmmm now that sounds damn exciting lol!! Xx wil let u guys know how I get on tomorw !! Best of luck to u both !!! Xx

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Hey Amber don't worry I truly believe u will be under 11st by the 15th hang in there!! It's possible Hun ... U will look damn good for the wedding !! Xx

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Hey 786 how did it go wiv CDC ?? Did u get weighed how much have u got to loose !! Well day two completed for me .. Tink it's early nite!! Feeling really peckish lol.. So before I cheat it's bed !! Hey Amber how u getting on ?? Xx

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Hey Amber n 786 were ru ? Lol hiding in some corner eating :( now hope not x

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Hello Shini.
I had a couple days good... I have date on Thursday so totally 100% now till then although today I messed around . I didn't weigh myself as she was away so I just picked up my packs... I have 3 stones to lose... It's just annoying how it gets so tricky once we slip. I was doing so well before NY and now since I'm back I'm yo- yo ing!
how's you? Xx
Hey shini I'm fine no cheating sticking to it till the 15 th feb lol like your new pic look nice wish I looked like that
Hey Amber n 786 thanx u!! Each time I do wel I take my pic n update it lol!! Been very good all week .. But sts last 3 days !! I don't go to my CDC as I'm also hoping to become a CDC !! Filled my forms all ready to send off tomorrow !! My CDC is my now very very good friend so I just buy packs n do it my self weigh myself as wel lol !! Wel gals keep it up I know u can both do it !! 786 how much do u weigh now ? N Amber hang in there u wil Defos be 11st by 15 !! How tall ru Amber ?? Xxxxx good luck gals !! Keep me updated !! Xxx

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Wish you were my CDC would be helpfull lol. Doing quiet well on cd wi on Wednesday but im still bingeing here and there x
Lol @ Amber !! Listen gal ur doing great n hang in there don't give up !! Just try not to touch carbs wen u cheat, if it's protein u will be fine !! X

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