Right, this is my area of expertise. The important thing girls is don't panic. It isn't fat you've gained it's water, and re filling of glycogen of stores.
I once gained 10lb in 2 days, my CDC made me get back on the scales 3 times cuz she thought they were broke! Panic is the reason I'm still here 7 years later. I couldn't accept the gains and ss'd it back off again- cuz of the impending party/holiday/presentation at work- there was always something. Pretty soon it became my way of life, a month or so of strict ss'ing followed by a 2 day binge which would undo the months work. I wish i had accepted that it wasnt actual fat, but a weight fluctuation and that it was only so much because I hadn't eaten at all in the run up to it. Even natural skinnies would probably gain a few water lbs if they got in the scales the morning after a weekend of caning it, but by the following weekend it'd be gone- without them even realising it was there in the first place. We are too focused on it and so acutely aware of every inch of ourselves.
Its a long story, but after 20 weeks of brain washing at eating disorder clinic they convinced me the only way out of this viscious circle was to stop dieting altogether and restore my tired old mind and body to some kind of normal pattern- they said it would take time and encouraged me to accept the resulting weight gain and assured me that my body would return to its 'natural' weight eventually. Exhausted, fed up of having no life and just feeling like I wasn't me anymore (totally mojo-less) I gave it a shot.
77 days ago at 13 st I gave up, and here I am again.
Its bullcrackle that i will get thin (or natural weight as they call it) without dieting. Dont get me wrong- I totally buy into the 'diets make you fat' thinking but it's too late for me now, I already did it! if I don't restrict myself in some way I'll end up having walls demolished and being crane lifted out of my house within a couple of years.
My body is broke- don't do same to yours. Stick with the plans you're on cuz there is balance there, and that's what we need, it's what I crave anyway. I hope after this stint of cd i will be able to accept that there will be times when my weight fluctualtes, times when i feel better than others, but I want to deal with it the way normal people do not starve/eat laxatives or any of the other ridiculous (sonetimes dangerous) methods I've employed in the past.
You are all exercise lovers, eating nice things and living your lives but appreciating there are times when you need to reign self in. It's perfect. Dont spoil it!
Missie- give juddd a chance- cuz if you ss you know you're gonna go off it for a cheeky glass of wine or 3 with your social life! Ss isn't the answer for you hun, it's an all in thing that can't be dipped into or it just doesn't work.
Caroline- don't do 2 dd's- stick with the plan, you've been feeling good about it, don't allow impending date 2 throw guilt and over compensation back into the mix. See what weigh in brings when your home. With all that exercise in the heat you may be in for good news!
Legs- you really did look million dollars in your wedding outfit and after working so hard you deserved to party hard 2. Booze makes me blow up like a friggin balloon, where I run into problems is that cuz I feel blubbery I feel sorry for self, stuff self like pig and make it 10 times worse! Just get back to your fab regime- its working a treat for you!
Blooming hell- that was meant to be a quick post - guess who's gonna be late for work again??? Na I can't - looks like I'm gonna be rocking the pony tail and dry shampoo look today then! X