Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

I'm the same with sleeping badly and the tiredness wipes me out!

Good thing I'm not in work or I'd be pouncing after that dream haha!

I've set myself a target to be below 10 st 7 when I'm back home, it'll have been over 3 weeks between wis so I'll be ok with that as I know 2 strict weeks would sort me out. Pointless me aiming to sts as I wouldn't so trying to be realistic x
I think the 'realistic' approach is the best babe. No point setting urself up to fail as u know what is achievable for u whilst away.Most likely when ur back ul be ready to get back on it with a vengeance so enjoy urself whilst away!

I cant get out of bed :-/ xx
lil_legs said:
Yeah I'd love to still be close to 10 but I don't think that's gonna happen haha so holidays are there to be enjoyed and I can diet again when I'm
back x

Exunctly! I jst think people should do what they r happy with when it comes to hols and days out etc. x
lil_legs said:
This is what I've dieted for so I shall enjoy! As long as I walk and swim everyday and drink my water I'll be pleased! x

I think thats a good aim :) It'll balance things out nicely and swimming etc so much more pleasurable abroad. Not like when ur home! Besides any exercise is better than so just aiming for something is good.

Right, must. Get. Out. Of. Bed! Mum wants to go for a walk this arvo too so thats a good amount of exercise planned for the day, just hope it doesnt send me to starvation central!
ive had 150 cals already.... hank marvin
What u had hun?

I'm only on 2 cups of tea and 2nd pint of water! Parents have yummy food here so not sure what lunch will be!!

My sis-in law has some slim and save stuff downstairs might try coax her into a swap for my cd stuff as I really havemt got the weight in my baggage to bring them lol x
low fat yogurt and an apple hun!!! urrggghhhhh hunger pangs loool!!
Nrly 6miles done and 25mins circuits, feeling gooood ladies :) Has totally cleared my head, always amazes me by how good exercise can make u feel, its the way fwd!

Right i sound like a right bore so its Shower then boring life admin in town, and then a walk with the mamatron. Here's hoping hunger dowsn't strike! X
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lil_legs said:
Fab well done you!

I'm just gonna go have a bath then it's lunchtime wooo wooo lol.

Gawd I'm gonna be a bloater before I go haha

Im jeal of ur italian and theatre trip (that is today right?!) My ideal day! Xx
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm could so eat an italian x
Ohhh hope u have the best time! I reeeally wanna go so let me know how it is.
Bizarrely i feel really gd about myself today, dont get it after my 2 days of excess! Must be the exercise talking but ive got the red skinny jeans on and i actually feel quite nice! X
ooooooooooooo your on hols so it doesnt count loool !!!
Where did you guys get your red skinny jeans fromx
ha loooooooooooooooooooool at least you didnt bring two different left ones like me at the weekend!!!!