Hi all!
I've been working non-stop on my thesis. I'll be wrapping up the draft, hopefully, today and then revising for a Saturday send-out to my committee members. Then, I have to work on my creative component for my other degree, but that should prove to be less work than this first one. It will be a considerable change of pace, at the very least. Joodle - I'm not drowning, per se, but there's a lot of it. It keeps me busy, but I find time to not go crazy.
Sander - At some point, I'm going to read Snow Crash, as a friend of mine lent it to me, but currently it's just occupying space on my coffee table. I move it sometimes to feel as though I'm making "progress." If I like it, I'll read The Diamond Age. I've heard it's unlike Snow Crash, though.
Caro - I really enjoyed Lady of Mazes - have fun reading!
Welp. I'm off to slay my thesis.
Oh, on the diet front, I've been good about what I'm eating. I over-indulged in bready goods on the camping trip and I was up about two pounds after I got back. From there I've hit a plateau. With all the work that I've been doing writing, I haven't given a lot of time to exercising and I'm sure that's why I've stalled. I'm not letting it bother me though. I'll eat Dukan and keep at it until this draft and revision are out and then I'll get the workouts in. I'm only two parts away from getting the draft done, and then only the conclusion and introduction away from the revision (apparently, you write those AFTER you've written the whole thing...which, of course, makes sense with the conclusion, but only recently has made sense with the intro), so I'm just moving full speed until that's over. Sander - I did make those scones! They were far too salty and there's another recipe that I want to try, but I'll need time first.

My husband has taken over cooking duty, which works well since he's furloughed from his government job right now, and he's not that adventurous with baking. BUT, he makes amazing meats, which I have to love!
Ok. NOW, I'm off to slay my dragon...er...thesis.