WW buddy having to lose 75-100 pounds wanted

cankles said:
Well done guys :) my scales showed a 5lb loss for my first week, i didn't make weigh in yesterday as it was my birthday. Feeling quite proud as stuck to it 100% even yesterday and have not felt hard done by.

Well done. Impressive :)

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)
well done cankles thats brill! if you wanted a true reading on a ww scales, you could go to another class? xxx
I did think about another class but happy to just keep going at the mo :) I have been naughty within points today, feels weird knowing i could eat what i did and still lose ( i won't list it in case you are hungry lol ). 95lbs to go :)
You could post one thing? I had a chocolate bourbon biscuit today.. Apparently only 2pp??? I eyed it very suspiciously before i ate it haha!
blackwidow said:
You could post one thing? I had a chocolate bourbon biscuit today.. Apparently only 2pp??? I eyed it very suspiciously before i ate it haha!

That's funny (and understandable) lol

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)
Heya, been such a mad week. I've totally gone over my points (dailys and weeklys) but weirdly lost 4lbs this week ... am not too optimistic about next wi as it'll probably be reflected there. Ah well, was a lovely week ... and had my first "have you lost weight?" from a friend yesterday. Nice to know this weight's going. lol

Sorry I didn't respond to your message earlier PixiePix.

I have a degree in international business communication and a background teaching English and working within health insurance. The Danish branch of BUPA. Am hoping to find something within communication or import/export. But it's pretty hard these days. Am doing a course in project management and looking to get certified in PRINCE2. Hope that will open a few doors :)

How about you? What would you like to do?

I have a degree in Sociology and have a background too in teaching but teaching of Social Sciences and I've also worked in the civil service. Am not working at the mo as I'm caring full time for a relative. I'm looking forward to getting a job again soon. Not sure what job I'd do when the time's right ... I quite like the idea of working for disability charities or special education. We'll see.

Well done to all of you who seem to be losing ... It's so good to know you can have the odd burbon biscuit (or burbon shot (and then some) in my case! lol) and still lose weight
Hows everyone doing?

I made the chilli cups off the hairy dieters program last night - 17pp with cheese but really tasty and filling with a large salad on the side :) would definitely recommend!

Starting to get nervous again for monday WI - last monday was a morning WI because of the bank holiday so im hoping i'll at least STS this week, would be gutted if i gained! Xxx


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O that looks yummy! I saw them make that on telly and thought it sounded fab.

This week seems to be flying by. I'm sure you'll do great come wi. I overdid it last week so have been trying to rein in the pps this week. Don't think it's really working ... Prob not eating enough. I wi on Sunday so we will see then.
I hope your WI goes okay - im sure it will. As lobg as youre not having less pp than you should for health reasons i think youll be okay? How much are you reigning in by? Xx
Thanks. I overdid it by 40 last week so had one day this week where I managed to save 15 and one day when I saved 9. Used some of my weeklies yesterday and all my dailies. Think I'm just going to have all my dailies and minus 10 of my weeklies from now until wi. Not sure it was the best approach but it's done now. Lol. How's your week going? Any more delish recipes tried?
im sure i had replied to this!

i tried an odd recipe which was SO nice.. but very high pointed so it was a one off - I tried pigs cheeks braised with cream, white wine, stock and vegetables served with more veg and butter beans.. it was divine! So horrible and hassley to prepare though.. i had to decheek the pig myself - never again!

WI in half an hour.. no idea how i've done - heavy weekend with all my weeklies used - stressing out about coming back to work :( (started back today)
I gained 2.5lbs! Turns out i was aupposed to come down a point last week and i didnt.. So ive over eaten on normal points too! Nevermind, back on it today.. Just realised how much i love houmous!
Heya. O, I've never made pigs cheek but went on a date with a guy ages ago who had it and I tried some of his ... it was yummy. I'm impressed you made that. :) I need to do a bit more homecooking this week ... been the takeout queen for the last 2 weeks.

Don't worry about the 2 and a half pounds on ... I too put on 2 last week. I'm hoping I'll be angelic for the 2nd half of this week and get that off this week. lol. Need to get my healthy eating mojo back ... Maybe I'll get the WW mag this week for a bit more inspiration. How do you guys get back on it when you can see you're heading off the healthy eating rails? lol.
Make sure theres plenty healthy easy snacks available - too easy to munch crisps when youre low on quick eats i find! Especially when im stressed.. That might just be me though? X
O I totally know where you're coming from there. Lol. I'm a stress snacker too. Lol. Going to do a shop tomorrow so will get some more bits and bobs. Loving apples and oranges ... And low fat hot choccie. Good choices from now until wi on Sunday. Lol
Sugar free jelly as well and i cut up some carrot and leave it in fridge with low fat dip :) not totally free but low pointed and different if i dont fancy an apple or whatever.

Im loving oranges atm too :) xxx
blackwidow said:
Sugar free jelly as well and i cut up some carrot and leave it in fridge with low fat dip :) not totally free but low pointed and different if i dont fancy an apple or whatever.

Im loving oranges atm too :) xxx

That's a great option :)

Have been busy the past weeks. Still am, as studying for two exams coming up within the next two weeks.... Cant wait to be done. Exams make me physically ill. I have IBS

Teo weeks ago I had lost 3 pounds. However in the past two weeks a pound has come back. Yikes. I really want to kerp motivated and at it so that next year instead of feeling bad I am still overweight I can feel really good over losing weight and having a normal BMI :)

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)
Blackwidow - O sugar free jelly ... I haven't had that in a while. I used to love the lime one. Will defo check that out in the shops.

PixiePix - I hope the exams are going well. Good luck. How's the weight loss going? I know what you mean about the last 2 week ... I've put on one week and stayed the same this week ... now I'm looking for a loss. lol. I need to get my mojo back ... new week new start. :)
MissSmileyBrunette said:
Blackwidow - O sugar free jelly ... I haven't had that in a while. I used to love the lime one. Will defo check that out in the shops.

PixiePix - I hope the exams are going well. Good luck. How's the weight loss going? I know what you mean about the last 2 week ... I've put on one week and stayed the same this week ... now I'm looking for a loss. lol. I need to get my mojo back ... new week new start. :)

Am doing good but cant wait for exams to be over and done with!

How are you?

How is everyone doing?

I have nade a list of reasons I want to lose weight, to help me keep focused on what I am doing and why. Here goes:

Better health
Smart clothes
Nice body
Better shape
Feel better about himself
Fit into attractions at theme parks
No more bring the fat one
Take that!
Yummy mummy
Find a decent bf

Am still working on it, as in adding things

10 of 88 pounds lost in 6 weeks (Slow & Steady & For Good)