
does he like to read sonya? i have dozens and dozens of books by all kinds of authors. u could take an armful of them for him.

No he dont like reading, he may browse through magazines to do with bikes or cars.
He has never been one for sitting about he would rather be up and about.
thought it might pass the time for him. maybe now is the time for him to find new hobbies. they r there if u want them anyways :)

im glad u r getting a chance to go see him. will do u both good. and the kids :D
Woohooo going to see Wayne tomorrow, cant wait....!

Does anyone know of the weather up to sheffield....?
We have had rain on and off today, but was wondering if we should expect to see some of the white stuff on the way up.....!
Hope Wayne manages to cheer up a bit during your visit Sonkie. Sounds like he's got good family and friends around him so maybe it's best that his girlfriend is backing off (even if it is for her own selfish reasons).

Sending you all loads of positive thoughts and virtual hugs:)
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Hes not too bad in himself...he is still in a lot of pain from the broken ribs....4 on the right side and 1 on the left.
He is on morphine based tablets for this but it doesnt get rid off the pain totally.
I was there when the drs came round....they did the old prodding with a needle and he still has no feeling from the bottom rib down. His wound has healed and the dr said he could sit up for half an hour today then a nurse has to see if it has any effect on the scar.
He has to build up his upper body strength first.
OOOhhh sexy brother!
Love the photo -
Bet he loved being able to sit up for a short time - hope he can repeat it every day as it will give him something to look forward to!
When is your next trip to see him?
Could the docs up his morphine a bit to help? He'll be more comfortable now that his wound has healed eh?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his next needle prod!:)

Are you coping allright? You always seem to stay so positive and full of hope, that's such a wonderful thing for Wayne to see when you can get to visit him. You're truly a wonderful person (and sister);)
Hi Sonkie

I'd managed to miss all the stuff on his breakup with his girlfriend. Hope it cheered him up to see you and yours this weekend.

Dizzy x
Hi Sonkie

I'd managed to miss all the stuff on his breakup with his girlfriend. Hope it cheered him up to see you and yours this weekend.

Dizzy x

Hey Dizzy she has made the excuse of not having enough money to visit him...but she is out everyday/night at the pub drinking and taking "stuff" that he was gonna help her get off.
So he knows that she would rather waste her cash on that instead of seeing him.
He is fine about it though.
Could the docs up his morphine a bit to help? He'll be more comfortable now that his wound has healed eh?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his next needle prod!:)

Are you coping allright? You always seem to stay so positive and full of hope, that's such a wonderful thing for Wayne to see when you can get to visit him. You're truly a wonderful person (and sister);)

They tried that but if he has a bigger dose he doesnt breath deep enough then ends up with a bad chest, he has to do breathing exercises every few hours but its agony with the broken ribs.....poor bugger ! So its a bit of a vicious circle.
Hey Dizzy she has made the excuse of not having enough money to visit him...but she is out everyday/night at the pub drinking and taking "stuff" that he was gonna help her get off.
So he knows that she would rather waste her cash on that instead of seeing him.
He is fine about it though.

Sounds like it's a good thing they have broken up. But it even if he knows that too it's still a sad time for him.

Bless his little cotton socks! Like everyone has said at least he has you.

Dizzy x
HI Sonya,

Just wanted to add my best wishes to everyone else's hun. I'm so glad you got up to visit your brother. I bet it really cheered him up and will have made a big difference to how quickly he recovers:D

Lacey :)
He is good...all his mates go up during the week after work, he does tire really easy too.
He is quite looking forward to his long stay in hospital as he gets his meals, gets showered by some great nurses, and has no bills to pay...so he been joking about that.
His flat has been handed back now too.
There are 3 other blokes in his bay too.
The unit is amazing its set up as a hospital in its own right with xray, operating theatres, gym sports hall and swimming pool....so he looking at it as a holiday....lol bless him.
Hi Sonkie

It sounds like he's in good spirits, which is wonderful, I'm sure seeing you must have helped him this weekend.
The unit is amazing its set up as a hospital in its own right with xray, operating theatres, gym sports hall and swimming pool....so he looking at it as a holiday....lol bless him.

glad things are getting better for Wayne, all be it slowly.
sounds like he has a good attitude to it all, treating it as a holliday.
its good that the gym & pool are all on site as this will make things alot easier when the time comes for him to have this type of physio, hydrotherapy is really good as you can achieve things in water that you wouldn't be able to do out of the water
hope things continue to progress well
thats great sonkie. hope this has brightened up ur week :D

mind u...kids r home from school so that'll wipe the smiles off our faces lol.

He will be "ok" when his ribs have healed, he is in so much pain with it....hopefully not too much longer till they heal.