
Yes its all good so far, he will not be doing phsyio for a while yet, he has to get used to sitting up and needs to build his upper body strength up as he has lost loads of weight......not that he had much extra anyways.
Yes its all good so far, he will not be doing phsyio for a while yet, he has to get used to sitting up and needs to build his upper body strength up as he has lost loads of weight......not that he had much extra anyways.

I bet, knowing the family determination, one day we'll be seeing him breaking records in the para-olympics! :) glad he is doing well and in time will build up that strength. x
Well I was trying to get through to Wayne yesterday and Sunday ringing and texting but had been getting no reply....!
Well last night he sent me a text saying he has been sick all day and had a temperature and his blood pressure is low.......WHY ! I dont know I will be ringing the hospital later as Wayne just has not got the strength to talk, will let you know after I call.
Hope Wayne's ok today Sonkie - let us know.

hi sonkie, only just ever read this thread and am so sorry to hear what happened to your brother and his friends, im sure they will all be fine x
Well just rang the hospital, nurse said he was just a bit sicky and sleeping a lot......Wayne never sleeps much so he must be feeling rough. His blood pressure is low too so he taking things easy for a few days.....not that he could do much in the first place.
hoping that Wayne feels better soon, sounds like he's a fighter tho Sonia, so sure he'll be back up in his wheelchair in no time at all
awww sonya i know u must worry so much...especially being so far away but i reckon maybe he has over-done things a bit.

if u consider how much he has been thru and how far he has come in this short space of time, maybe his body just need to catch up with him. using the chair and getting up to all sorts after so much has happened will take its toll. hes doing fab though. good on him!!

the other thing is...he probably will be prone to getting poorly while he is in hosp. lets face it, being in a hospital full of germs and ill people is bound to make u ill too.

some good sleep will help him. i ope u get to chat to him soon tho. put ur mind at rest. xxxxx
Aw sorry to hear Wayne's not too good at the moment, hope it's just a small blip and he's soon back on the road to recovery.

Take care hun
Hi Sonya,

Sorry to hear that Wayne is not to good just now.

I have lit a candle for him and sending prayers and hugs.

This has been such a tough journey for you and all in all your doing great and I am sure Wayne must be so proud of you.

I know I am.:)

Love Mini xxx
Well just rang the hospital, nurse said he was just a bit sicky and sleeping a lot......Wayne never sleeps much so he must be feeling rough. His blood pressure is low too so he taking things easy for a few days.....not that he could do much in the first place.

Hi Sonya - sorry to hear about Wayne....:( fingers crossed he's feeling better soon.....

lotsa love

He had a better afternoon, I have just rang the hospital. He has not been sick all afternoon, but he still feeling really c**p. They think he has picked up a sickness bug. AWWWW my poor bro......I wanna go and bring him down to Plymouth so I can see him every day.
Aww Sonkie, I'm sure Wayne will be feeling much better soon. He's been through so much already and come so far so quickly.

My mum always says that sleep is the best form of medicine when you're ill, it helps the body to gather strength.

Sending positive thoughts and hugs to Wayne and you and your family.:D
Wayne has exelled hmself the last 2-3 weeks mate , him getting some sleep will do him the power of good .
Wish he was down here too !
He will overcome this bug thou and be back to wheelieing around !!!!

Big hugs mate xxx
Love blown in the wind to wayne too xxx
Sorry Wayne has had a rough couple of days. Keeping my fingers crossed he is much better today.

Do you think there is any chance at all he may move to be with you. Sounds like thebest place for him. Been mentioned at all?

Dizzy x
Sorry Wayne has had a rough couple of days. Keeping my fingers crossed he is much better today.

Do you think there is any chance at all he may move to be with you. Sounds like thebest place for him. Been mentioned at all?

Dizzy x

There was talk a couple of years ago, but he wouldnt move this far away from his kids, which is understandable really, not many men would be too bothered about that.
Not heard yet how he is today, will ring later in the day.
Hiya guys and dolls.....lol. Wayne has not long sent me a couple of texts so I have just rang him and we had a chat.
Well he has a temperature of 39 and has a chest and bladder infection, suppose the tube into the bladder must not help too much. So he is on antibiotics again!

His breathing has improved though he still couldnt speak properly without stopping to get his breath back. He has not had to many visitors ......now this has upset me as I hate to think of him alone, he understands how hard it is for me to get to see him and I told him if I was closer he would probably get bored with me as I would visit everyday.

Well I am fed up now.......wish I could go see him, though he aint got the energy. But its the thought of him day in day out alone......all the blokes that were in his bay have all gone home now and he getting 3 new people coming in today....so that has peeved him off too, that he is still there.