Hiya guys and dolls.....lol. Wayne has not long sent me a couple of texts so I have just rang him and we had a chat.
Well he has a temperature of 39 and has a chest and bladder infection, suppose the tube into the bladder must not help too much. So he is on antibiotics again!
His breathing has improved though he still couldnt speak properly without stopping to get his breath back. He has not had to many visitors ......now this has upset me as I hate to think of him alone, he understands how hard it is for me to get to see him and I told him if I was closer he would probably get bored with me as I would visit everyday.
Well I am fed up now.......wish I could go see him, though he aint got the energy. But its the thought of him day in day out alone......all the blokes that were in his bay have all gone home now and he getting 3 new people coming in today....so that has peeved him off too, that he is still there.