xxluckyxx's diary ... read if you dare !!!

Hi , im not feeling too good , ive fallen off the wagon , managed one day , how bad is that . i dont understand it thou , im getting compiments left right and chealsea but cant seem to motivate myslef with sticking to ss'ing .

i need a blimming kick up the ass .

how can i stick to it ??? im losing all track of what im aiming here for .

im at a total loss and dont know how to get back up .
Hi , im not feeling too good , ive fallen off the wagon , managed one day , how bad is that . i dont understand it thou , im getting compiments left right and chealsea but cant seem to motivate myslef with sticking to ss'ing .

i need a blimming kick up the ass .

how can i stick to it ??? im losing all track of what im aiming here for .

im at a total loss and dont know how to get back up .

I think it's probably because you're getting the compliments that you're finding it harder to stick to- or at least that's what happened with me last time. People were telling me how good I looked, so the urgency went, and I thought I could stick to a 'normal' diet.... but here I am having gained back all 3 stone plus an extra for good measure!:eek:

Stick with the diet until you're where you want to be- you know it works!!:D
Hi Fiona
I so dont know where i want to be at the mo thou , indecisive i guess .
How ru thou , is all going well ?

I went swimming today with a friend and her little one , took in turns holding him while we did lengths LOL

all good fun thou .
Kids stressed me out big time yesterday so i dont think that helped me .
Have you done a vlcd b4 ?
think i got it right , honestly i dont know where my head is at times !!!

Hope you have heard from your fiance and all is well with him hun x
Cant believe how many days ive been down this week , normally only lasts a day or 2 , but im still low and still cant pull myself back up .

Weigh in today , but i have work first ...woohoo !
all blinking day to , not sure how im gonna get thru it with no food !

Gonna have a chat with the LT girl today thou , cos this week has been really bad . Im thinking it has to do with Alan and the ex .
Havent really heard from him, so i guess the ball is in his court now and if he dont contact me this week that will be that . As for the ex , well what i was expecting happened and i dont feel great for that , im just waiting now for him to have time out from the kids next week and for him to say hes seen J and they will get back together .... waitning for it i am . he's not the kind of guy to be on his own .

Im not bothered if they do , cos i dont want him , its just i dont want all the lying to start again .

Kids have just rung me and they are fine on the train !!!
Best i know go get ready for work .

Any comments and advice will be appreciated !
I dont take offence easily , sometimes i need a sharp tounge to drum it into me ! all for now xxx
Hey Sam, hope you didnt give in to R, I know if you did you will be beating yourself up about it.
Right you have now got to put men out of your head, no going in the chatrooms or dating sites....until after the Bath meet at the earliest. You say on your other thread that you want to lose another stone, but you are struggling. I think you are stressing too much on men: i.e "R" & "A". So I suggest putting them in the bin and concentrate on your self, if you want to lose another stone then we will help you along the way, but shut the door on the males and think of you and only you, and where you want to be.
Then when you get to where you want to be you will be able to be yourself and feel comfortable enough to allow the men back on the scene.

Just an idea, tell me if you think im wrong.....but you dont really have "me" time.
Hi Sam
i was browsing in the gallery and seen your new pics and u really looking brill.
I starteD to get compliments and i started like myself just a little bit and took my eye of the prize. keep going if u have a bad day then just get back in the saddle
Thanks Mandie
I think we do tend to think 'i must be doing well , it wont hurt if i have ..... ' Our minds work in very strange ways .
Thanks for the post and i hope you are feeling good about yourself ? What vcld are you on ???

I lost 4lbs this week , im totally gobsmacked by that .
Im doing at least one more week of ss'ing and my mind is in the right place now , strange how we have a moan and things look alot better !!!!

Also changed my tracker , only going to lose another stone , so not to much more to do !!!!!
Wow look at your tracker now, you must be feeling blooming fantastic......and you deserve to.
Though you are looking blooming fantastic too....Slimantha !!!!