Yakkady Yack Atkins Chat ...


Love the big mac, it will become a regular :)

I was in boots today looking at the bars and tbh I walked away disgusted at how much they expect us to pay to buy them! Not a bad thing though because Id probably want them all the time if I had one

Hope your days going well x
Trust me, the bars aren't all that - they are so rich and sweet in a "fake" way, they just taste like sweetener to me .. glad you like the BM!! It is a regular in this house too.. but night it's been doner meat and salad .. nom. nom. NOM !!!
Morning RW... Hope you have a smashing day! Xx
Morning All.

Alpaca I love your little good mornings - they really do make my day!

Feel really HEAVY today - i.e. a bit clogged up. I need to eat more vegetables I think, I have been getting my carbs from salad leaves (because I love them) but need to experiment with more vegetables. The sad thing is I am a "peas and carrots" kind of girl only in the past 2 years have I liked mushrooms or parsnips. Think each shop I am going to get something new to try.
Woke up with the WORST cramp in my foot last night, what was most bizarre was that I was only lying thinking "hee hee hee I don't get cramp" it was SO painful and long lasting, it was my whole foot and up the front of my leg - ive never had it there before, if ever I have had it in the past it has been in my calves. Anyway I got up walked around, walked around some more. I need to get some more pottassium in. Not sure where I can get some from - obviously spinach and brocolli but I am thinking of getting a better supplement. I'm not sure the boots one I have has many minerals in it. Right then, prep morning at work so im off to .. prep some lessons! RW x
Morning RW, I'm a great fan of spring cabbage myself love
Boo Hiss Grrrr

Boooooooo :cry::cry::cry: Well it's "weigh in day" and ive stayed the same week 3 ... but actually after reading the article about water retention I am okay about it, yesterday I was REALLY thirsty all day and drank like a fish and started taking magnesium and pottassium supplements which I also hear can take a while to balance your water. 2 days ago on a sneaky look I had lost 2lb .. but it's back! I am staying clean and green so I know deep down it's just a weird blip. I don't think my implant is helping. It has been in a month now and I think my body "thinks" it's period time .. I am getting weird pains .. Anyway. I think I am okay not going to brew on it .. etc etc ! Right time for a cuppa and get some work done for class this morning!

Yes it is, can't wait!!! :D

Sorry you didn't lose this week - hopefully the whooshie fairy will visit for next week xx
Morning RW, happy friday:). Hang in there - you are doing really well:D
Morning RW, I'd suspect water retention as well love. I hope the weather is going to be nice, yesterday was lovely

As all the other lovelies have said dont be disheartened just turn it around and make you more determined ;)!

Its sunny, its Friday, its nearly home time! YAY :banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer:

Thanks & Progress

Thanks for all your kind replies. I am feeling much better today. Yesterday (I didn't realise it) but I was "due on" problem is with this implant that seems to be anytime .. without being two gross I seem to be on one day, not the next - with all the water, moodiness that goes with it ... unfortunately for me being "due on" leads to massive water gain (ive been known to carry up to 10lb !!!), it's a shame because I think at points it is going to make my progress disheartening. .. HOWEVER better than the patter of tiny feet .. that would be a disaster for me!

Really long, tiring day at work, I am so glad it is the weekend. Spend my breaks on the sewing machine .. and forgot to blummin well bring it home! I am making bunting for the garden from oil cloth, a table cloth and also a ring cushion for my wedding .. not bad considering I was taught to use the machine .. today ;) ! Ive always fancied having a sew .. and in the past I have sat and meticulously hand sewn stuff but I thought it was time I learnt the mechanical way - what a revelation!

It's pay day today and that means only one thing ... rib eye steak .. served with a giant pile of greens and string beans. Since ive been on atkins I have absolutely looked forward to my Friday steak .. best part is I melt a pat of garlic butter over it - cafe rouge style.

Really busy weekend ahead (which is great as it takes my mind off food) building a raised bed in the garden for wild flowers & lavender .. sewing cushions (College is open on a Saturday so ill pop in and grab it!) and finally going on a road trip to pick up a vintage Singer sewing machine ... absolutely bargain at £15 .. no idea if it will work or not but ive always wanted one for my victorian home. I am sure I will squeeze in a bit of mini-love but if not have a lovely weekend, enjoy the glorious weather .. and eat green ;) !!
Ohhhh ... I wanted to get SO much done today .. and im STILL Waiting for blummin' Tesco! I booked the earliest slot but seems I am at the end of the 8-11 rota .. boo!

Just a tip really .. I have found online shopping to be a godsend on Atkins. I can plan ahead, write a list and obviously am not surrounded by tempatation in the aisles. Obviously there is also the bonus of a very kind man carrying it all into my kitchen too ... I HATE packing and unpacking food shopping!

Come on Mr Tesco ... I'm out of soya milk and i'm gasping for my morning cuppa treat !!
Morning RW... I wish I could sew... I have 2 left hands in the practical sewing department - in a serious way! Lol

Keep us posted on how you get on with the machine...

Wish I had a garden - really fancy messing around with planting this weekend...

Enjoy it!
We lived in a flat for 3 years, it used to kill me looking out of the window. We have gone and got a really big garden now so have gone from looking out of a window to shoot ... grass to cut ... lots of it .. so it's a bit scary. Mowing the lawn for the first time last Sunday nearly killed us .. good on the leg muscles though! :)
Good lord! Another really poopy day with my "moods" for some reason I am getting really, really fed up of this WOE - of an evening. It's evening meal that does it. Matt admitted tonight he was really sick of it and was getting a pizza (no worries .. he isn't over weight and bless him he has really tried for nearly a month). Cue me bursting into tears and saying how I felt the same and how I am not coping very well. What is WRONG with me .. why does food always bleeding well control me so much? This coming Thursday will be my month on strict induction (and I have been really strict) but I think I need to start OWL otherwise I can see me cracking and eating a big old doughnut or something. I hate to admit it but I put some pizza crust in my mouth and chewed it (and then spat it out) earlier, that is such a a) Disgusting and b) unbalanced thing to do .. jesus, what is wrong with me!?
I think this must be the "carb monster" people talk about but man, he / she has been with me many times this week ..
Just needed to write my thoughts here as putting that pizza base in my mouth was really, really WEIRD and pathetic! (It tasted amazing though!!) The sooner I lose the next 14 and can move up to pre-maintanance the better I think ... bugger off carb monster, you are doing my nut in !!!
Considering you're feeling like this I am SO impressed that you're hanging on in there!!! Well done RW... Have no idea what's causing so much emotional (or hormonal) angst though... Are you able to alter your evenings so you do something different? Changing an established pattern can help... Good luck with it! Hugs xx
Hi Alpaca, Yeah, I certainly do need to change something .. I am happy BBQ weather is on its way because Atkins is PERFECT for BBQs. I think what the issue is throughout my life I have celebrated with food .. and commiserated with it in equal measure and there are certain foods "connected" with that in my mind .. even a trip to town was always a cake from Greggs. So many of these "bad" patterns are having to be worked out of my life at the moment and I can only take so many at a time. Another example is my students run a tea room on Wednesday, they have special needs and they work so hard, I used to go down every Wednesday and partake in a cuppa and a bun - but now I just have to sit there like a lemon with a glass of water (no soya milk - bless them, that would blow their minds). Friday another birthday .. another cake brought it and me sat there saying, "That is very kind of you K... lets cut it up and share it out" (and I sit there like a lemon not eating any and the students are all really baffled by it and keep asking questions!!). When ever I visit friends we are all really into vintage and it is always a cake stand covered in various cupcakes and buns, sandwiches etc .. and again, me sat there with a face like thunder and a cup of tea. This probably sounds so petty ... but food (and sharing of such) is such a huge part of my life. I am sure everything will be good in the end and eventually once I find my critical carb level .... again ... as you know I am getting married in July and there is a string of parties, engagements coming up .. all involving people trying to force feed me what I love (tea and cake!!) .. sometimes I just wonder if this WOE is possible for life ... I need to move to Japan where I would do much better ... there they feed you egg drop miso and sushi! lol. I am so determined, so passionate about SUCCEEDING this time and nothing is going to stop me. I guess it's getting used to all the temptation from the outside that is difficult (so many friends just guffaw and say "I had a friend that did that, lasted 2 weeks and put double back on").

Anyway ... that may (in a hazy, just got up kind of way) explain why I am feeling like I do .. I am off into Northfield now to grab a disposable BBQ .. Matt and I are going to crank it up and enjoy a meat feast this afternoon. Shame about the lack of icecream sundaes afterwards ;)
Morning hun - I am so proud of you for posting exactly how you feel, that's the best way to track what causes you to grab for the carbs.

We all get those moments where every carb in the universe has to be consumed - you're talking about changing a lifetime's worth of eating habits. But as Jim, Katie and Di have shown, it can be done :D
Your doing really well RW and your right it's so difficult with so many cakes and temptations around. We all use food as a reward at some point and it's such a hard habit to break. Going shopping for me would mean a coffee and cake and it was a major motivator for going into town.

Your bbq sounds wonderful. Enjoy the good weather.