Yellow Watermelon's Exante Journey

Hiiii - welcome back. The problem with doing a VLCD is that time get super compressed because of food being so controlled and so I was all like "omg, where is Watermelon" and then "calm down, it's only been two days." I'm glad you're well and hope things have calmed down for you at work.

Also, for all my disparagement of the strawberry yogurt bar, it's definitely my favourite - I do love me some strange tasting goop over sawdust.

To be honest, I don't have much insight into using a VLCD for using small-ish amounts of weight. I think they're generally most effective for helping disastrously obese people like me - because then there's a motivating balance between regular sizeable losses and the psychological downer of eating powder 3-4 times a day. But obviously weight loss is going to be much less marked at the lower end of the scale. And so (from a position of total ignorance) I'm inclined to agree with you that probably the 1200 might suit you better for where you are.

To me, at least, it would feel much easier to be patient with smaller weekly losses if I was also eating food ... if that makes sense. Living on powdered nonsense is only "worth it" in terms of time, health and emotional energy if you're actually seeing a strong return from it. My own plan, for what it's worth, is to stick to three products until I get down to about, well, about your current weight. Which I think should take ... as long as it takes. But I assume maybe 6 months? And then spend the next 6 months (or however long it takes) building up to 1200 calories a day, with some exercise, and hopefully some further gentle weight loss until I'm comfortably in the healthy range. Point is, I'm prepared to take the last couple of stone / 15kg or so more slowly because I'll be healthier all round. But right now I just need an intervention before I die of being too fat.

Err: in short. I am cheering for you whatever you decide. And you are already really close to your healthy BMI which is awesome.

My favourite Exante shake at the moment is the coconut. I had a chocolate mint a few days ago and while I wouldn't say "unimpressed" I was indifferent. Which made me a bit sad because choc mint was my favourite on CWP.

Aww, thanks, Nasturtiums! Its nice to know that someone would notice my absence before the smell of decomposing meat reached my next door neighbour... (I actually live with a husband and children, so it would be nice to think they'd notice too, but, y'know...) ;)

I absolutely agree with what you're saying about the diet. And I think exante has the potential to be quite flexible. I really don't mind eating a shake for breakfast - or a bar for lunch - every day. Life is a lot easier not cooking. But... it's missing out on the social things, and sharing a meal with my hubby, or tasting my daughter's cooking, etc, that's tricky. I made the whole family a full-fat-made-from-scratch chicken pie for lunch on the weekend, then sat down with them and watched them enjoy every mouthful (it is extremely rare that I can make something that both children and hubby will eat enjoyably). It was fine, I was happy to do it, but it is nice to have the odd meal with other people. Plus, I think it's important that I keep my body aware of food and not in such a state that it freaks out and gains everything back the second I stop this thing. So, we'll see how I go, but I think food will be making a bit of a comeback, at least in a small way.

Thanks as always for the support! :)
Ooh, and I forgot (because it was three days ago) to declare that I have finally not managed to finish one of the meals. I ploughed my way bravely through the gluey mess that was the carbonara, I choked down with disdain the spag bol, I even chewed my way through the flapjack, taking sips of water each time to work it down. But I was beaten by the butternut squash and sweet potato soup.

It was thick, it was chalky, it had little blobs of undissolved powder floating around in every mouthful, despite how much I stirred it. It was truly revolting. I made it about half way through and chucked it out.

Hey Watermelon! It sounds like you’re doing well and whatever you choose will work out if the motivation is high! I’m looking forward to the noodles but I didn’t get any fajitas this time. I will for sure try them next time, thank you for the recommendation.

As for the shakes, do you guys know if it’s ok to add more than 200ml, as I figured with the strawberry one when I add 400ml it tastes like strawberry milk and it’s lovely 😊
Welcome back Lena - hope you're doing okay! It's definitely okay to add more water! As far as I know, most people essentially figure out what works for them taste-wise. Some people like more water, some less. It's not a problem either way.
Absolutely - I'd say I have about double or even more the water. You're supposed to drink more water anyway, and I figure it achieves that as well as increasing the size of my meal each time. I actually find them a bit too chalky when they're only 200ml.
Yes, I went through a stage of trying to make them thicker with ice and less water so they'd taste like milkshakes. Just left them tasting of chemicals. So I now I make them the standard way (with, if anything, more water than recommended) and they're fine.
I think my least favourite so far is lemon cheesecake but they only sent me a few of those so I’ll manage to get them down. The tastiest I find chocolate and strawberry.

I’m feeling a lot better and not feeling sick anymore, I’m still quite tired up until about noon and then I feel alright. I can tell I’m getting used to it! And I haven’t had a single naughty snack or anything so I’m pretty motivated.
I think my least favourite so far is lemon cheesecake but they only sent me a few of those so I’ll manage to get them down. The tastiest I find chocolate and strawberry.

I’m feeling a lot better and not feeling sick anymore, I’m still quite tired up until about noon and then I feel alright. I can tell I’m getting used to it! And I haven’t had a single naughty snack or anything so I’m pretty motivated.
That's fantastic! You've definitely gotten through the worst of it- hopefully you'll start feeling super charged soon.

I had my first caramel latte shake yesterday, and it was scrummy. The low sugar vanilla ones with a shot of espresso are also delicious. Low sugar banana is good too, if you like that artificial banana taste (which I do).
Right, time for a moan. Despite any addition of food keeping my daily calorie intake at definitely under 1000 calories per day, my weight loss has stopped. It hasn't moved for about 10 days. Now, I do realise that I have had this weight with me for about 8+ years, but still, it doesn't make mathematical sense. But it makes 'my stupid body' sense as I do tend to adjust to any and all diets in time. Completely frustrated.

But, I'm going to keep pushing through. I mean, what's the alternative? Drown my sorrows in wine and melted chocolate? Not gonna help.

Gotta keep on keeping on.
Right, time for a moan. Despite any addition of food keeping my daily calorie intake at definitely under 1000 calories per day, my weight loss has stopped. It hasn't moved for about 10 days. Now, I do realise that I have had this weight with me for about 8+ years, but still, it doesn't make mathematical sense. But it makes 'my stupid body' sense as I do tend to adjust to any and all diets in time. Completely frustrated.

But, I'm going to keep pushing through. I mean, what's the alternative? Drown my sorrows in wine and melted chocolate? Not gonna help.

Gotta keep on keeping on.

I found the closer I got to goal the harder the pounds seemed to shed, whereas some people had no problems getting there. It depends on body type, metabolism, age, etc... life is unfair, but that's how it goes
good luck
Watermelon it must be hard to see the weight loss stop and it would definitely be difficult for me too but as you said you’ve got to keep pushing! Are you doing any exercise too?

I had my first meal yesterday (sweet and sour noodles) and I must say at the start it was delicious and so nice to sort of chew but after a while it just tasted like sweetener. I think I added too much water too. I’m going to try the daal tonight and hope it’s more savoury.
Weight loss definitely slows down as you get closer to a healthy weight, I think because there's less fat there for ketosis to chew on.

(The energy boost you get at the beginning when you get into ketosis and your body is one enormous fat banquet is amazing, but it doesn't last).

I know it's disheartening when you don't see movement, but in my experience (at whatever part of the journey you're on) weight loss does fluctuate. Like some weeks you'll lose nothing, and even gain a few pounds, and others you can drop 4 or 5 outta nowhere.

So, I guess what I'm saying is moan freely (because it's frustrating) but maybe stick to it a bit longer if you can. Like it's possible your body is just figuring itself out again now that you've introduced food and that can actually take some weeks. I would say if you're looking down week 3 or 4 with absolutely not change, then probably something isn't working.
So guys, I had my one week weigh in today and I’m a bit disappointed. Only lost 2 and a half pounds. Is that the average? I think I was hoping for more because I have followed the diet fully and haven’t had any naughty moments or anything.
Keep at it. Keep a record of water unless you’re certain you are 3l plus every day. Over time, if you do just three packs and all the water and don’t add stuff, you will average 3-4lbs a week every week. It fluctuates, but stay on plan and you simply cannot fail to lose 12-16lbs first month.
Lena, I'm one of those people who never seem to get the results that other people get, and it can be hugely frustrating. The really high losses in the first week are mostly getting rid of the food weight in your stomach and water... it isn't mostly fat anyway. 2.5 lb is still good - I can't lose that on any other diet in a week. It's the equivalent of 20 golf balls...! Just keep on with it and you'll see the results.

My loss has pretty much stalled, but I'm keeping on with it and expect a massive drop at some stage. But, I have lost 6kg (just over 13lb) and I re-introduced a light dinner each day, so I think it's all just sorting itself out.
You can do it Watermelon - as I said above, weight loss can be frustratingly irregular, but you've already made such good progress, it would be a massive shame to give up now.

Also who will try the Exante products for me first? ;)
Thanks Watermelon. I’m going to keep going of course and hope for more losses here and there but we can’t always have it how we want it, can we? Hahah.

I am also scared of after losing weight going back to eating healthy but proper food and gaining weight all over again.
Also just to let you know, I had the Indian curry tonight and it is amazing! It looks sloppy and not very appetising but especially if you like spicy food it’s so good! Probably my favourite so far x
Ooh, I wasn't a fan of the Indian curry. I do add a dash of chilli sauce to my dahl, the black beans, the sweet and sour... pretty much most of the other slop buckets. The Indian curry was just a bit too sloppy for me (and I only bought one, so I didn't have the chance to try less water). But glad you have found one you really like!

In new reviews...
- The gooey chocolate pudding was grossness itself. It was like one of those microwave cakes - very eggy tasting and rubbery. Horrible.
- The lemon cheesecake smoothie was delicious. Creamy, lemony, and still nice and thick despite the extra water. Oh so good.
- The Chocolate orange smoothie was a bit meh. Definitely like the low sugar chocolate one better!

I've just realised that I never tried a cookies and cream bar and they look amazing! I just did an order so I'll have to wait until next time.

Still no movement on the scales, but I'm going to be positive and say - I haven't gained it back, either. At this stage, maintenance is also an achievement - as you say, Lena, the fear of it coming back on is real, so to have introduced a meal a day and stayed the same is cause for celebration.