Yep...will eat anything you prepare

Agreed, I still have my junk food meal Sundays and I enjoy it!!!

Yeah. I have junk food at times, though not any set out day. Just when I want.

But there's a fine line there. Chosing what you want vs chosing what you need.

I guess I quickly go through questions in my head...why do I want this? Why do I think I need it? The questions are so quick now, I barely notice them, except on the odd occasion. See below.
Had an interesting conversation with myself a while ago.

I had picked up a virus and felt rubbish.

When I feel rubbish, I need toast. Feel sure there is something in it to help. Doesn't matter what the 'illness' it's toast I crave.

I went through this long conversation with myself.

Me1: Feel rubbish, need toast
Me2: Sure you need it?
Me1: Yep...definitely. No doubt about it
Me2:'re comfort eating!
Me1: Nope...there is something in the toast which my body is wanting. Would be happy to have it injected...this is not to do with the taste, texture etc of toast!!!!
Me2: Are you really sure
Me1: Yep. Medicinal reasons only
Me2: So why are you putting butter on it?

Hahahaha! Sounds familiar KD...brilliant...mind versus physiology...logic versus feeling/intuition...
Had an interesting conversation with myself a while ago.

I had picked up a virus and felt rubbish.

When I feel rubbish, I need toast. Feel sure there is something in it to help. Doesn't matter what the 'illness' it's toast I crave.

I went through this long conversation with myself.

Me1: Feel rubbish, need toast
Me2: Sure you need it?
Me1: Yep...definitely. No doubt about it
Me2:'re comfort eating!
Me1: Nope...there is something in the toast which my body is wanting. Would be happy to have it injected...this is not to do with the taste, texture etc of toast!!!!
Me2: Are you really sure
Me1: Yep. Medicinal reasons only
Me2: So why are you putting butter on it?


Oh yes, I really, really, really love toast but have it rarely. Why? because it's only nice slathered in butter!!!:D
Had an interesting conversation with myself a while ago.

I had picked up a virus and felt rubbish.

When I feel rubbish, I need toast. Feel sure there is something in it to help. Doesn't matter what the 'illness' it's toast I crave.

I went through this long conversation with myself.

Me1: Feel rubbish, need toast
Me2: Sure you need it?
Me1: Yep...definitely. No doubt about it
Me2:'re comfort eating!
Me1: Nope...there is something in the toast which my body is wanting. Would be happy to have it injected...this is not to do with the taste, texture etc of toast!!!!
Me2: Are you really sure
Me1: Yep. Medicinal reasons only
Me2: So why are you putting butter on it?



I have convo's similar to that one with myself from time to time.

Great KD!!

My refeed increase a little protein everyday for a couple of days then the same for a day. Then this plus new fruits, then bad vege and then bad fruits (carbs and high sugar), then a biscuit (processed) and in the last 2 days a glass of wine.

Deal is gradual and if you gain you must go back 2 days in the refeed program as you introduced it too quickly! If you have the biscuit/bread/wine etc you must sacrifice another source of carb. All about keeping your insulin happy and not too high so it out does your human growth hormone and then your body starts processing all foods as stored fat (sugar).....

Great KD!!

My refeed increase a little protein everyday for a couple of days then the same for a day. Then this plus new fruits, then bad vege and then bad fruits (carbs and high sugar), then a biscuit (processed) and in the last 2 days a glass of wine.

Deal is gradual and if you gain you must go back 2 days in the refeed program as you introduced it too quickly! If you have the biscuit/bread/wine etc you must sacrifice another source of carb. All about keeping your insulin happy and not too high so it out does your human growth hormone and then your body starts processing all foods as stored fat (sugar).....


With you on that. There is a lot to be said for refeeds and carbing up. Owing to my job as a CDC, I try not to go into it much :D

So, not expert enough to advise on this.

Nexangelus (or however it's spelt) will know more though I reckon.
Thanks KD will have a think about things....

With you on that. There is a lot to be said for refeeds and carbing up. Owing to my job as a CDC, I try not to go into it much :D

So, not expert enough to advise on this.

Nexangelus (or however it's spelt) will know more though I reckon.

Oooh, er...I'm not qualified, still experimenting myself...and researching with great interest about nutrition and fitness and health in general (but more towards the athletic side as am more serious with my fitness goals and things now)...

Refeeds come into things when you've been following any diet for some time, it's used as a break of sorts and foods are re-introduced much like Bren suggested...I'm not sure what is meant by bad veg and fruit, do you mean the more starchy things like potatoes, sweet corn, peas and bananas, etc?

You can also do re-introducing one food group at a time to see how they affect you (mood, cravings, hunger, fullness, etc) so protein first, then slowly sauces, raw vegetables (salads and non starchy veg), then bread and the like...will have to look out some of my books and come back with this...

I do what I term carb ups were I eat mainly carbs for 24-48 hours so I can have enough glycogen to work out in the gym for the week but not enough to encourage any excess to be stored as's that insulin growth hormone balance and making your body work for you instead of against (well it does work for you even if it is trying to keep weight on, it's preservation and survival, but for weight loss and maintenance we want it to work with us heh!)
.it's that insulin growth hormone balance and making your body work for you instead of against (well it does work for you even if it is trying to keep weight on, it's preservation and survival, but for weight loss and maintenance we want it to work with us heh!)

It can also help keep leptin levels up which is really important IMO. I hear of people eating allsorts on their carb ups days and I sort of picked up the impression (wasn't looking too closely!) that 'bad' carbs had their place in a carb up day.

Didn't really go into it. Wont do either. I have a feeling that I could make a carb up day last a month or two :D
It can also help keep leptin levels up which is really important IMO.

Yep, that one is imprtant too...there are so many hormones and things that can (or seem to) create absolute havoc when dieting and when not...bah! But I am not discouraged, I just keep reading more and trying to learn more as we are all so very different...

I hear of people eating allsorts on their carb ups days and I sort of picked up the impression (wasn't looking too closely!) that 'bad' carbs had their place in a carb up day.

Yes, they do, but I don't really do the refined sugar thing if I can help it (you know icecream, syrup on pancakes, etc, etc)...handy if there is an energy slump coming on during a long endurance thing, but not much use any other time, just for quick rescue type pick me ups. Even then bananas are pretty cool for that purpose as is peanut butter...although a handful of jelly beans or some energy drink (glucose sickly stuff) is easier and faster to consume...

Didn't really go into it. Wont do either. I have a feeling that I could make a carb up day last a month or two :D

I suspect with the majority of us it would KD...just a snifter of normal choccie and the like and I admit I can get the hungry munchie monster type mentality within seconds, it's like an uncontrollable nagging to eat more of the same and it just doesn't satisfy the 'hunger' you're to keep the balance, not by depriving oneself, but by sensible carb ups tend towards brown rice, wholemeal pasta, potatoes (not often), squash, full fat yoghurt, pumpkin, fruit, brown bread, ryvita, muesli, oats...all other veges...

I also use brown sugar (dessertspoonful) and salt (two pinches) in my own homemade isotonic/rehydration drink when I do exercise which makes me sweat loads and really raises the heart rate (mountain biking, spin class, personal trainer hour, rowing for half and hour or more, etc)
Yes, they do, but I don't really do the refined sugar thing if I can help it...handy if there is an energy slump coming on during a long endurance thing, but not much use any other time, just for quick rescue type pick me ups.

Yep. Preparing for an energy slump now as I see some yummy refined sugary things in the kitchen at the moment :D
it's like an uncontrollable nagging to eat more of the same and it just doesn't satisfy the 'hunger' you're to keep the balance, not by depriving oneself, but by sensible carb ups tend towards brown rice, wholemeal pasta, potatoes (not often), squash, full fat yoghurt, pumpkin, fruit...all other veges...

Totally agree with you. I have refined/whatever food at times, and I have to be prepared that it will make me want more and more. Usually end it with something to halt the madness. Often protein helps me....even if it's just a few almonds.
) in my own homemade isotonic/rehydration drink when I do exercise which makes me sweat loads and really raises the heart rate (mountain biking, spin class, personal trainer hour, rowing for half and hour or more, etc)

BTW, have you heard about milk being the new hydration drink for training. Supposed to be better than water. Not that I ever need hydrating. Don't sweat enough.

Well done on the quoting skills :clap: ;)
BTW, have you heard about milk being the new hydration drink for training. Supposed to be better than water. Not that I ever need hydrating. Don't sweat enough.

Well done on the quoting skills :clap: ;)

Yes, milk is the new water, or the old...back home the folks used to drink sour milk from packets even in summer as an energy worked for them as it is a food as well as drink and also fills one up as the protein tends to sit longer in the tummy...I'm not keen on milk, never have been and have been itching to try the theory out (lots of body builders swear by milk protein at night before bed...much like our grannies or mums probably did and still do...and theirs and theirs before them...)

Will get back to you with regards my findings (although I am sure it exascerbates my sinus problems, might be wrong though?!) on the milk thing (have to give it about a month, so from tomorrow I will up the milk, Iwonder if goats' milk works the same?)...

Ha! Finally I remembered to copy and paste the quote tags...:rolleyes:

The dairy does affect my sinus to just milk though and cream, for me.

Cheese is okay and yoghurt too???

The dairy does affect my sinus to just milk though and cream, for me.

Cheese is okay and yoghurt too???

Yes, I think because we can only handle smaller amounts of them compared to milk which is a glass and more at a time to be of any use for protein supplementing...not sure yet, am adding a glass of full fat milk every night this week just to far my cough (have had a chesty cough for about 3 months now) is not bothering looking good...also it might be because of the whole indigestibility of lactase/lactose/milk sugars, that might have the knock on in the mucus making areas...interesting...

How's the milk going?

How's the milk going?

Am off the milk again as cough cough splutter, but for the few days I did drink it, it did help with recovery and gym workouts last week were brilliant! Was it down to the milk though, we'll see this week in comparison...
Good luck Nexus, maybe a little milk is good after all? ;)
When I was growing up in Russia, glasses of milk were praised by my Granny and the cartoons and everything in sight! :)
Good luck Nexus, maybe a little milk is good after all? ;)
When I was growing up in Russia, glasses of milk were praised by my Granny and the cartoons and everything in sight! :)

Yes I think even in Victorian times milk was the drink of choice for keeping fit...according to Men's Fitness (I know I am a woman, but the men's issue is so much more meaty, literally)

Wow, Russia? I'm from Lithuanian and Polish stock, never been there but heard it is a beautiful country...maybe one day I will make it there with my kids.
A little milk I think can be good, in moderation. :) But I do understand many English people seem to have intolerances to it, and wheat and what not... Quite sad really.
Hee, we're not quite far from each other... You're half Polish, half Lithuanian? I'm half Russian, half Latvian. :p Cute really! Do you speak any of those languages or is it a heritage thing? ... And if you want to go on a holiday I highly suggest Latvia - Riga. It's VERY beautiful, especially in the summer. Russia, though I love it, it has too many problems and is very, very expensive.
