Carpe diem, baby!
A little milk I think can be good, in moderation.But I do understand many English people seem to have intolerances to it, and wheat and what not... Quite sad really.
I wonder if it is the pollution and other things that have caused other allergies to spring up? Nah, silly theory, I suppose that wouldn't really affect things we need to digest (hmmm on second thoughts it might not be so silly!). I think most humans, if not intolerant, find it hard to digest the milk goats' milk and lactofree milk has become popular. My kids as babies would NOT drink powdered formula or cows' milk...they wanted breast milk or water...even now, my eldest sometimes asks for a glass of milk and littlest has his mostly on cereals...we do like soya and oat choccie milk mmmmmm *drool* though...
The alternatives like rice milk, soya and even oat milk are ace...I mean sprouted grain or crushed grain milks have been around since the dawn of time.
Milk, though, as well as dairy in general is a good source of protein, good fat and calcium. So maybe the pros outweight the cons? Oh and I only drink full fat milk(but that's just me, prefer the taste)