Your Body Magic

Aye yaye yaye!!! Level 1 Day 7 over!! That felt too easy and too quick, except for one move...can't remember what it's called now, when you lunge to the side and raise the dumbells up to eye level? Managed it before with 0.25kg weights...but with 3kg in each hand I did it completely wrong. I know u have to focus on pushing your 'tuche' out as she calls it...but the weights were too heavy I think. I will switch to my 1kg ones tomorrow I reckon for just that move, better than pushing my knee out and not doing the workout the way I should :-/

Oh well...looking forward to the joy of level 2 on Wednesday! =D my muscles have all eased a considerable amount today, thank god! My arms and legs were a tiny bit stiff, but not wincing in pain anymore! Yay.... For now! =D


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Oh oh...anyone know any SW friendly energy boosters?? I'm feeling so drained this week, perhaps it's the shred adjustment, but I don't want to feel this tired come Race For Life next Sunday. I'm sure adrenaline will kick in but is there any energy drinks or those energy sweet things that are low syn or free? :-/

  • ASDA Diet Blue Charge
  • (1lt)

  • [*=center]£0.79 (£1.25)
    [*=center](7.9p per 100ml)

High impact. Stimulation drink. Contains taurine. No artificial colours or flavours. Suitable for vegetarians. Carbonated fruit flavour low calorie soft drink with sweeteners with added taurine, caffeine and vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and riboflavin (B2).

  • ASDA Diet Blue Charge
  • (1lt)

  • [*=center]£0.79 (£1.25)
    [*=center](7.9p per 100ml)

High impact. Stimulation drink. Contains taurine. No artificial colours or flavours. Suitable for vegetarians. Carbonated fruit flavour low calorie soft drink with sweeteners with added taurine, caffeine and vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and riboflavin (B2).

The cranberry one is good too ( not quite so sweet)
Oh yay thanks! I assumed it would have syns as I know that stuff is like poison for your body really. I need a boost though, eating healthy doesn't seem to be giving me any energy? =(
Cancelled, then got guilt tripped into uncancelling tonight's run! So currently feeling very sorry myself in my complete lack of motivation this week! Hopefully after these hormones do one I will be back on track? Anyway, off out to run in a minute, have dinner, then do the 30 day shred which I really enjoy still thank god :)
Run completed! Feel so good now :) eating wedges and quorn sausages. Will make up for it later with fruit ^.^ been ages since all the stuff on my plate was beige! Haha. At least it's free :)

My friend bought these gummy power shot sweets. Owe all my energy to them! Feeling SO good =) I gotta try hunt them down in a shop now!
Does dancing like a loony count as Body Magic?! :D
Most certainly does! I'm guessing this was last night's antics? :D

Haha yep! My feet are still sore and my bum and thighs are just starting to ache!! :D
Sounds like a shred to me! =D

Just done Level 1 Day 8!! Mother in law came back today, got interrupted twice for 90 seconds which annoyed me but I finished the video :) her TV was making spitting noises so I had to go fix the sky box for her lol.

1 hour of body magic complete! I reckon no weight loss this week, but building muscle will be enough of an achievement for this full week since last weigh in of shredding :)

Also all the quad pain has paid off. Lost half an inch from my thighs since last Sunday when I started =D


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Level 1 Day 9 complete :) so that's nearly 30 minutes of body magic for the day! My platinum award is easy to achieve when I'm doing something everyday anyway :p


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Well done! I feel properly out of the exercise routine after 3 days off!
Oh but I guarantee once you get back into it it'll pay off on the scales big time as you're body will be slightly shocked :)
Wahooo! Level 1 complete!!! Still hard but I managed 15 push ups on my knees which is fantastic when I look back and barely managed two a week ago! I can't quite manage to do a full push up on toes...that's scary to me!

Soooo level 2 stamps starting tomorrow ^.^


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Never sweated so much in my life! My balance is terrible! A lot of the moves I couldn't do properly I just didn't have the balance for those anterior..whatever she called them...swivelling your body side to side. Impossible!! Also the 'skaters' move was hard. I did what I could. So annoyed I didn't master the moves..but trying to remember I probably didn't have them all perfected on level 1 day 1 either. I expected more of myself...but anything I lacked from perfection...I gained in perspiration ;)

Hopping in the shower to de soak the sweat off my body! BE's horrific! Lol


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