★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

Hi guys,

I did post this morning but I don't know what happened to it!?!?!?!

As you all know I have been struggling to deal with things that have happened over the last year or so and I have such a busy life. At 27 stone I just can't function on 500 or so calories a day. I feel faint, tired and emotional all the time and it is making my depression worse. Like Emma I enjoy exercise and I have managed to get to the gym but it takes me days to get over a session and I miss the buzz you get from doing a hard work out.
My doc advised me to come off CD. I don't want to let you all down 'cos your such a lovely bunch of girls but I lost 8st on slimming world and I need to do what is best for me right now. When I did it before I lost on average 4-5 lb per week, I felt satisfied and I lost loads of inches and worked out 4 times a week so I have rejoined my local class. I would have liked to stay on the team but I think you need to be on CD so I don't think it would be right.
You have all been a fabulous support and I wish you all the best of luck as you continue with your CD journey!


Just make sure you keep popping in! You can be our honorary member ;)

Have you started the new plan yet? x

yeah, hardley had anything though because so full haha!! having chicken and salad tonight if I can manage it! nice to have a long run this morning without feeling like I was going to faint haha (thats it I won't talk about food again okay xx)

Hi Emma,

I also managed to do the best session in the gym for ages today. Feel really energised and don't feel like a failure for having a bowl of cereal!!

Good luck with ur new plan and keep in touch. I have PM'd u!!
CJ I have just sent you a PM about being Team Leader.

I take it we have two spaces to fill, we need to put a post up on the 'Team Advertising Agency' thread and get these spaces filled.

Starting my training properly this weekend for the 'Moonwalk' and feel really great, doing an 8 mile walk with my sisters on Sunday. Had a completely new look done with my hair and had it cut really short (I haven't had it this short for about 10 years!) and I love it! Can't wait for my weigh-in tomorrow night as the scales have definately gone down this week (hoping for a 4lb loss).

Kel, hope the morphine has started to take effect and your not in soo much pain and can have a good nights sleep.
Sorry to see you go Lins. Good luck.

Tracey, good luck with your weigh in (not that you'll need it!!). If you see this feel free to advertise for new members as i did it last time :)

Kel, hope you are managing with the pain hunny xx

CJ, hope you are ok too :) xx

Day 38 for me today and another 1lb down. 4lb loss a week would be fab, so here's hoping..!

I'm off to clean 4 fish tanks and await delivery of my new bike :D

Have a good day babes xxx
Kel, sorry to hear the extraction was so horrid, hope you are feeling better now! Don't worry about being off plan for a bit, we'll all be here to help you jump back on the wagon when you are feeling better!

Sarah - Well done on keeping at it - can't wait til I am on day 38 as I will be soooo much thinner! Enjoy your new bike

Emma - Sorry to see you go - if you are ever in Grantham give me a shout!

Lins - Sorry to see you go, please PM me if you ever need to chat, in fact will PM you now

Tracey - CONGRATULATIONS on becoming the new team leader! The info on how to calculate everything is on the stickies - I'm back on track now so hoping for a big loss Sunday! Advertise away!

Finally back on track after last week, had a big heart to heart with DH and CDC and am back in the zone - DS's MRI went well, just have to wait for the results now

GO THE BABES!!!!!!!!!
Yay Tracey, congrats :D

Glad everything is better for you CJ, hope you get the MRI results soon.

My bike still isn't here. Apparently they deliver up until 9.00pm! Starting to wish I had chosen tomorrow instead..

Off to have my tea time shake now. Kids are fed, just hubby to feed in a bit.

My Dad popped round after work, and he says I look much thinner! He's dieting too bless him.

As there's no one else about I shall pot on the advertising thread that we have 2 spaces. Hope that is ok with everyone, we need to get them filled asap so we don't affect our winning chances too much lol!

Hope you are all having a good day!!

S xx
Hi can I join...I've just seen the post saying you're looking. I'm mum2one a SAHM to a 9 month old. Found being a mum tough after having a high flying job. Now want to lose the weight. My first weigh in is tmrw and i'm on the 810. Need motivaton to keep going :)

looking forward to getting to know you all
I don't see why not! Welcome aboard :D xx
fine by me! I'm a SAHM of 2(and part time Usborne lady to maximise my weekly adult conversation!) welcome aboard!
I'm Sarah, I'm 29 and mum to Ellie who's 6 and Harrison who's 3 :). I am sahm but am technically a director/secretary for my Hubby's company.

Good luck for your first weigh in!!
Thanks guys. I'm still trying to get my head around this site and all of the abbreviations...lol. I will sort out a siggy for progress once I know how to do it :) Is everyone else doing ss???
Hi can I join...I've just seen the post saying you're looking. I'm mum2one a SAHM to a 9 month old. Found being a mum tough after having a high flying job. Now want to lose the weight. My first weigh in is tmrw and i'm on the 810. Need motivaton to keep going :)

looking forward to getting to know you all

Huge Welcome Chick.. :welcome:

Congrats on deciding to join our extra special team..
You couldnt meet a nicer bunch of babes.. ;)

Congrats to Tracey for becoming our new Team Leader, You will do Fab!! :D

How are all my babes today?

Well I am still in pain, no surprise there.. :cry:
After my lay down yesterday I phoned my dentist up & told him how much pain I am in & said doctor put me on morphine, so he told me to come straight down, he had a look & said it was full of infection, he scraped all the gunk etc out, which hurt like hell, then he syringed the hole loads, then he packed it with a dressing soaked in what smelt like tcp.. Well that will just dissolve eventually.. But whenever my jaw moves when I talk, eat or drink, the dressing moves & comes out so I have to keep putting it back in with a cotton bud, I have done it so many times today its so sore.. :cry:
He said I was in so much pain as the nerve was actually exposed, basically hanging out, which it still is at the mo, but it has dressing on it, but until the gum grows back over the hole, which god knows how long that will be, its gonna hurt like hell..
He gave me a course of anti-biotics & check back with him in 2 weeks, I am so fed up as everything is a chore, eating, drinking, talking, you wouldnt think that a wisdom tooth could affect that!! :sigh:

Anyway I am really missing drinking as much as I do so be prepared for a gain next week girls, as I struggle with a litre with my mouth..
I am missing CD a bit if I am honest as coz I know I am eating I know I can have what I like CD takes that away from me.. :rolleyes:
Mind you all I have been having is soup, ready brek, rice pudding, yoghurt, weetabix, anything soft and mushy, that I dont need to chew as it hurts.. :sigh::sigh::sigh::sigh:

Gonna watch superskinny in a mo then no doubt fall asleep as due some morphine.. :D

Will try and get on later.. xxxxxxxxxxxx

YAY Emma's (Berryred) coming back!!

Assuming that's ok with the rest of you's ;)

My internet is playing up badly grrr!
It seems to be working a bit better now.. touch wood..

No sign of my bike :(

Kel, I'm so glad the dentist has cleaned the hole out etc, I hope it makes a huge difference and that you can get some sleep tonight.

I'm watching supersize vs superskinny too :D
:eek: hi, I am sneaking back in to you guys!!

I will talk about food

So on sunday my packs ran out, I had my sister up telling me I was crazy doing cd and all the blah blah that goes with it! I got really upset because I had had a fab weekend and felt so slim (for me!) in my outfits. I ended up doing ss+ add a meal on Fri/sat/sun and I think my head just exploded form the food! I am here there and everywhere over the next few weeks, half term and visiting people and stuff and I let it all get on top of me!

I really enjoy excerise, and instead of listening to my cdc and taking half before and half after I waited until after making me feel poop as I had dropped down and felt dizzy (I think I need to step it down a bit too:sigh:)

so I am back lol! I can;t get to my cdc until Sunday to start Monday but I will still be low cal/low carb until then

My cdc sent me the most lovely message and made me feel extra special aww

So My goal is to fit into my wedding ring! NOt a weight, I want to get my ring on (I can;t get it past my knuckle haha) my engagment ring now fits and I hadn;t worn it for best part 2 years:eek: and I remember how good it felt

Right enough about me, kelly:hug99:sorry to here about your poorly mouth, good thing is the weight you'll lose haha! I had mine out when I was 18 and dropped from 9st7 to 8st2:eek::eek: (I didn;t stay there long I can tell you haha)

Mum2one, welcome to the lovelyest set of babes on this forum, they are fab and very supportive xx

Carzyjane, I'm back lol, we should get together soon though that would be fab! meet up for a water:8855::rolleyes:

Tracey:talk017: yeah are new team leader, I promise not to go off the rails again and report in each week;)

Sarah- need I say more, your my rock your doign so well and I am sorry for saying the food word:D

lub you guys:worthy:

phew sorry about that!
WELCOME BACK BERRY!! So glad you decided to stay with us after all, we will get ya through it chick.. x
Dont think I will lose weight chick as I have gone from having 600 cals & 4-5 litres of water to probably bout 800+ calories to 1 litre of water..
We will see, just want it to hurry up and heal, sick of the pain.. :sigh:

Aww Sarette, Whats going on with ya bike, cheeky arent they!! You sound trashed.. x

My internet is quite slow tonight too, trying to order a valentines card for Keith from Moonpig, not getting very far..

Right off to bed & more morphine
Right See ya Me sexy girls..
Might have a sneaky wi tomorrow..


Please Read..... xxx

Let's all remember to take the time to LIVE!!!!

A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package:

'This, - he said - isn't any ordinary package.'

He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.

'She got this the first time we went to New York , 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on , was saving it for a special occasion. Well, I guess this is it. He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died. He turned to me and said:

'Never save something for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion'.

I still think those words changed my life.

Now I read more and clean less.

I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.

I spend more time with my family, and less at work.

I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day... I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.

I don't save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to. The words 'Someday...' and ' One Day...' are fading away from my dictionary. If it's worth seeing, listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do it now. I don't know what my friend's wife would have done if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning, this nobody can tell. I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.
She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels. I'd like to think she would go out for Chinese, her favorite food. It's these small things that I would regret not doing, if I knew my time had come.

Each day, each hour, each minute, is special. Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no-one.

If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably, there's someone you care about.

If you're too busy to send this out to other people and you say to yourself that you will send it 'One of these days' , remember that 'One day' is far away... or might never come..

No matter if you're superstitious or not, spend some time reading it.
It holds useful messages for the soul.
